Detective Max

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The boy who had tears in his eyes moments ago was now scared, petrified even. someone could be capturing their every movement on camera right now, and it made Charles heart race.

Max tried to speak, but it was hard while seeing photos of him and his friends just living their life all over the internet, "What do we do?" Charles spoke shakily, the dutchman could tell he was worried, either for everyones reactions, or that hes on the photos, at his weakest point.

"Tell Seb, he always knows what to do." he sighed, slowly laying back down, it was weird because  the only photo you could clearly see Max in was at the pool, the rest he was blurred out of.

Charles just sat there though with phone in hand, blankly staring at the floor, Max noticed,"You want me to tell him?"

He nodded, "Yes please."

Handing him the unlocked phone, max took it hesitantly. Years ago Charles would bite his head off for even glancing at the screen, or telling him he got a notification, but here he was, handing him an unlocked phone and telling him the password, "If it turns off passwords 1717."

Max got up and left, going to find seb, but Charles turned around, peering through the curtains just thinking of the thought of him being watched. There was no one. Just rain. But he knew it wouldn't stop playing with his head.

"Seb?" Max found him, who was laughing at how Kimi accidentally burnt a grilled cheese they were trying to make everyone, pretty obviously, it wasn't going well.

"What's up max?" he walked over, smiling. But that faded when he saw the face of the younger.

Max couldn't bare to say it, so he just turned around the phone, scrolling though each photo slowly so Seb could see what they were. He looked speechless.

"What! Who posted these!" he yelled, drawing everyones attention who was downstairs, that was basically everybody but Logan, Oscar and Lando.

He stated the phone, getting a proper look. he saw millions of tweets, too many to count all with the hashtag F1 House. "No, no, no!"

Carlos was invested now, getting up and looking over sebs shoulder, what he saw on the screen almost made him faint, he had to regain his footing to make sure he was still standing.

seb slid the phone onto the table, everyone looked, and suddenly the whole idea of this house was ruined.


"Well what if you like back track it? Carlos and lando weren't out that long ago we can find who sent it-" seb was pacing up and down the living room, for the second time today everyone was gathered downstairs, every curtain closed by Charles.

"Seb there are thousands of them, we won't find who was the original sender." Lewis told the German, who was close too collapsing with overwhelm.

"well we can.. we can.." he stumbled for the words, or the ideas, but there were none, "Fuck I dont know!" 

Now everyones hopes were gone too, if Seb didn't know, no one knew.

"Im sorry we and everyone else had to find out like this Carlos and Lando." Lance smiled, sympathetically, Carlos shook his head with a sad smile back and lando just laughed, quiet a forced laugh.

"Im sure you guys already knew after the incident this morning." he spoke, Max snickered a bit.

"inchident." max spoke, looking over at Charles who was curled up in a ball but now grabbing a pillow and throwing it at the dutchman.

"My saying!"

"can we take this to the police?" Yuki asked, scrolling through twitter. "If its the same person its surely classed as stalking?"

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