No parents

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"Kimi and I are going on a date so Lewis and Fernando are in charge for the night." seb sighed, already knowing this was the worst possible idea they had come up with in a long time.

"NO PARENTS!" Daniel yelled, jumping over the coffee table and jumping on max who screamed.

"Daniel no!" Seb shouted, pointing a finger at him but Kimi flattened his hand and lowered it.

"He's Lewis and Nando's problem now." he raised his brows, looking over at the two who were clearly shitting themselves.

"I don't know how to parent!" Nando yelled, pointing at the two having a scrap on the sofa with Charles slowly backing away from the sofa. He and Max had been keeping their little situation a secret from everyone but Kimi and seb, surprisingly, no one caught on.

"You are both older than me." Seb frowned, "How have neither of you got a wife and kids yet?"

"He has got a girlfriend!" Lando had a massive smirk on his face from under Carlos' arm, "It's taylor swifttt!"

"WHATT?" Kimi laughed, flabbergasted.

"That's a twitter rumour!" Nando thwacked the younger on the arm.

"TAYLONSOOO!" Daniel stopped play fighting Max and jumped back over the table, attempting to rugby tackle Fernando but he managed to move just in time, making Dan fall to the floor.

"Daniel stop jumping over the coffe table! it's glass!" seb had his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, "Whatever! You know the rules and so you know yuki i did replace the sheet you tore up and laminated it."

"I'll just snip it." Yuki crossed his arms, hissing.

"Also, pubs open tomorrow so if you lot behave i'll take you clubbing. do what you want there." he offered, everyone shrugged with an upside down smile. Fair offer.

"Bye everyone!" Kimi yelled, waving his hand and dragged his boyfriend with him out the door, seb shouting a quick goodbye.

Everyone ran to the window, peering through the blinds and watched as they got in the car and drove out of the yard, the second the car passed the gravel, it was chaos.

"WHO WANTS A PARTY?" Daniel yelled, not caring at all and jumping back over the coffee table, he liked doing that for some reason.

"Not a pool party." Max's eyes widened, making eye contact with Charles across the room, who was leaning in the doorway arms crossed.

"Indoor pool party?" Daniel offered, everyone stood in shock.

"We have an indoor pool?!" Lando exclaimed, Alex and everyone who slept in the basement nodded slowly.

"Thought you knew?" Alex frowned, "In the basement?"

"Why not a party on the beach? it's private after all?" Lewis suggested, "plus the house won't be a mess, we all go clubbing, me and nando don't get in trouble and we get a party."

Everyone nodded, but Charles stood anxiously in the corner, biting his nails.

"Anyone wanna help me get the beers out then?" Max got up, walking through the door and nudging Charles, giving him a hint.

"I will." he shrugged, everyone thought nothing of it and parted their ways to get stuff to bring outside.

They went to the downstairs fridges, they kept most their alcohol in the basement anyway. Max grabbed Charles hand and pulled him behind the stairs.

"I'm not gonna let you drown you know!" he smiled, Charles didn't let go of his hand, if anything he squeezed it tighter with a half smile.

"I hate how everything has to do with water in monte carlo." he sighed, smile fading a bit so max pulled him in for a hug, kissing his head.

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