Stormy Roads

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 Possible TWs : Storms, blood, car crash

"Lewis I think we should turn back," George begged his teammate, they were on some sort of country road and the front window was so difficult to see though with all the rain, Lewis nodded.

"Yeah but I can't see a thing, I dont want to crash." he flicked the window wipers to the quickest setting, leaning forward before seeing bit to pull over. He could finally get a breather, the rain was pouring and it looked like someone was pouring buckets after buckets of water onto the cars windows, "You okay? you look pale."

"Im fine I just wanna get back, Seb said it could be a tornado warning too." George sighed, Lewis nodded, patting his friend on the shoulder.

"ill try turn around because  then at least the rain won't be hitting onto us," he took the car out of park, but he turned to the younger one last time, "You sure your okay? I might have some antianxietys-"

"Im fine Lewis, I promise." he assured, Lewis took that answer and turned the car around, getting back onto the road, it was clearer, just scary knowing this probably only the start of the hurricane.

the roads were slippery and the car kept sliding, each time George grabbed Lewis' shoulder, scared they both fly into a ditch, "do you want me to slow down?" he asked, George nodded a little so he took the speed down a bit, practically creeping around bends.

"Can I go quicker now? we are almost back." Lewis asked, George replied with a yeah as he tried to move his phone to get signal, not really paying attention.

Sirens started blaring throughout Monte Carlo, they were tornado sirens. George and Lewis shared a look of worry before George looked back on the road, "Lewis!"

A car came speeding down the corner too quick for the rainy conditions, it slipped and skidded on its side, crashing right into the Mercedes car of Lewis Hamilton and George Russel. The two crash fell off the road into a ditch, tumbling down doing full 360s, the Mercedes landed on its side and the jeep that had caused the crash on its roof.

"Lewis!" George screamed.


"They aren't picking up." seb paced back and fourth, Kimi following him trying to grab his boyfriends hand to calm him, "Im going looking for them."

He grabbed his keys and everyone watched, wide eyed, some shouting no at the older German, but Kimis face said otherwise, "No you are not."

"Im not leaving lewis and George out there, I bet George is having a panic attack right now." he took a deep breath and slipped on a coat, zipping it up before Kimi grabbed his hand.

"They'll come back, its too dangerous for any more of us to go." He assured Seb, who just ferociously shook his head no, "Daniel, max? some help?"

The two Kimi chose got up and pulled seb, who was trying to wriggle out of their grip, onto the mattress pile. "Seb, listen to me."

Kimi crouched in front of him, taking both his hands, "I promise, they'll make it back."

Seb took a deep breath and Charles rubbed his shoulder, placing his chin on it, "I hope so."

Back at the house it was pretty chill up till then, Carlos and Lando were playing a card game, Max and Daniel reading a book together, Perez and Stroll chatting away while making coffee in the mini kitchen that was installed downstairs, Charles and Peirre were having a little friendship cuddle, with Yuki jumping on the two and Logan and Oscar were just trying to sleep, occasionally talking to Fernando. Lily slept the night with Alex, so they were doing some drawing.

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