Surprise surprise

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"Who the hell is pulling on our drive at 8 am?" George groaned, covering the light from the blinds with his arm as Lewis leapt over the sofa, peering through as a car came speeding onto the gravel. The tires spun and the car came to a halt.

He looked closer, realising who's car it was, "Oh my god its my mum!"

He jumped up, running to the door and George frowned, following him to the hallway.

"Ma!" he yelled, swinging the door open and engulfing his mother in a hug. George gazed as he watched a small bulldog come running up to his feet.

"Roscoe?" the brit smiled, crouching down to stroke the dog, who kept jumping up him without realising his dad was stood right behind him.

Lewis heard George speak, looking down at his feet.

"Oh my god its Roscoe!" he fell to his knees right in front of him who was also crouched down, "Hey there buddy I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Look Lewis I cant keep him in LA with me forever, ive brought all his food and ive sent you all the links where I found his food and stuff like that... but until the season starts back up, I cant keep him." His mum sighed, Lewis looked up at her, then back down at his dog.

"Will Seb care?" he glanced up at George with a look of almost worry, but he shook his head.

"Seb loves roscoe, dont think for a second he'll care." He stared at how the dog jumped up at him, so happy to see his dad. It made George miss his own family a bit too.

"Um." George smiled, "Do you want a hand with Roscoes stuff?" 

He asked Lewis' mum, who's eyes widened as she nodded, "If you dont mind sweetie!"

"I dont mind." he smiled, giving Roscoe on last fuss before walking outside to carry stuff in.

"Thank you so much George!" lewis yelled, giving his dog a huge cuddle before people heard the commotion.

"What's going on now-?" Kimi asked, a little frustrated from the morning but as soon as he laid eyes on the dog. A huge smile crept on his face, "No way, guys look who's here!"

Kimi crouched down, Roscoe came running down the hall to give him kisses as the fin tried to move away from his licks but just couldn't, "When did he get here?"

Lewis had a huge grin on his face, "My mum is here!"

Nando came around the corner, "Its my favourite boy!"

They all started fussing him as George came in with a dog bed, his mum behind with a few bags of things, Lewis motioned for them to put them in the kitchen.

"Hes okay to stay right?" He asked, a little nervous for Kimis reaction so last minute.

"Roscoes always welcome!"


"We have a dog now!" Lando had such a wide smile, he was bouncing all over the place as Roscoe chased him, "Oh my god I love him so much!"

Lewis watched as Lando and George chased his pup, biting his lip a little over his smile.

"We need to get him a friend!" Charles exclaimed, Max's eyes widened.

"You couldn't look after a ring, slow down on dogs." he snickered, bringing in a bowl of water he filled for Roscoe, "Also, I want a cat."

"Roscoe would eat the thing!" Daniel yelled, his jumper was very dangly and kept getting the dogs attention, he kept trying to yank him off the sofa.

"Would not !" Max argued, "Roscoes a good boy aren't you?"

"Seb dont accidentally drop your ring in Roscoes food or something because  I knew someone who's dog ate their wedding ring!" Lance chuckled, Seb frowned.

"I agree with Max, hes too much of a good boy."

Lando locked eyes with Roscoes lead that was hung on the banister, Carlos noticed and his eyes widened.

"Lewis can I take him-" he started talking, a massive grin across his face but Carlos rugby tackled him onto a bean bag.

"Hell no!" he put his hand across his face, the two play fighting on the floor.

"Do we have to dog proof the garden?" Alex asked, lily sat on his leg because  of the lack of chairs they had, everyone was piled into the living room and hardly anyone had a place to sit.

"Hes too lazy to run away." Lewis smiled, arm comfily wrapped across George's shoulders, who was looking down with a bright red face. Roscoe came running up to the sofa, leaping onto his lap, the older brit smiled, "He likes you George."

"Im his favourite." he smiled, ruffling his ears around.

"No fair!" Lando whined.

"Dont worry my cats love you lando." Max smiled, Lando frowned.

"Then bring them here! they are doing no good sat in the neverlands!"


George and Lewis took him for a walk along the beach at sunset, Lando was sure he was going to kidnap him while lewis slept and take him but Roscoe sleeps next to his dad now.

"Im so shocked she brought him." Lewis smiled, in awe as he looked at his dog.

The breeze was in their faces, Georges hair going wild while lewis' braids didnt even move an inch. Roscoe stopped running and waited for the two to catch up, lewis smiled down at him, "You tired now?"

He sat on the sand and George copied, moving a few pebbles with his foot before sitting.

"You think Roscoe is invited to the wedding?" George joked, Lewis smiled down at him who just put his head on his shoulder.

"Of course he's gonna be the best man." Lewis laughed, moving a few hairs out of Georges face as the dog sat a little between their laps.

"I think he'd make a cute ring bearer, wouldn't you Roscoe?" he grinned, scratching his head and fondling his silky ears.

"Take Lando's idea and put him in an f1 car as a glower girl?" Lewis joked, leaning his head on the other brits.

George sighed, snuggling into the older a little more, "Everyones talking about the wedding, but how have you been?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, Roscoe leant his chin on his dads lap.

"Sebs your best friend, hes getting married, that doesn't happen everyday." he smiled up at him, lewis shrugged.

"Im happy its Kimi, they love each other."

Lewis slowly stopped talking, the pair made eye contact and just gazed at each other for a moment, shoulder to shoulder and the salty air whooshing past them.

"Your a good friend lewis, even if you was a bit of a crybaby on the day." he smiled, Lewis breathed, nodding.

"Yeah... I did cry a lot didnt I?"



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