Looked after by Lestappen

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After they all got back Carlos was bandaging Landos leg but Daniel was refusing to put anything on his cut for some reason.

"No! I don't like bandages!" He whined as max stood in the centre of the bathroom, Daniel was sat on the worktop and Charles was on the floor against the bathtub.

"You'll bleed out then!" Charles rolled his eyes, rummaging through the medkit beside his leg and finding an antiseptic wipe. Gently grabbing the Australians ankle he attempted to clean the cut, the second the wipe touched the would he snatched his leg back and screamed.

"Ow! How the fuck is that gonna help!" He shook his head, Max sighed in defeat as he dropped the bandage to the floor.

"I'm going to tie you to a chair in a minute! Stop moving or you'll go to the hospital instead!" The Dutchman yelled, Daniel looked a bit taken aback by his tone and frowned.

"Well someone's gonna have to force me there because no doctor is touching my foot!" He refused, arms crossed across his chest and a pout across his mouth.

"Give me that wipe." Max shook his head, snatching the antiseptic and grabbing Daniels leg. He protested and wriggled his leg but Charles held him to the counter.

Eventually he gave in, wincing as Max cleaned the cut, binning the bloodied wipe and opening the bandage.

"Not so bad is it?" Max snickered, Daniel shook his head, looking around the room for something to take his mind off the pain.

"That's a nice bracelet Charles." He nodded at the Monegasques wrist, his hand was on his arm to stop Daniel moving, but after he said that, his hand dropped back to his side.

Charles and Max made eye contact, his face was bright red but the Dutchman was just smirking.

"Thanks Daniel." Charles giggled, looking down at it and twisting it to see the date. Him and Max carrying on to make eye contact.

Daniel noticed their stares at each other, thinking the complete wrong thing and getting anxious, "What? What's going on? Is my ankle gonna fall off?"

Charles laughed at him, "pfft no."

"What's going on then?"

Max let go of Daniels freshly bandaged leg and there was a silence. Neither of them knew who was gonna say it, so Max nodded for him to.

"Well." He began, "Max got me the bracelet and..."

Daniel was quickly connecting the dots, the blushing, the eye contact, the lovey dovey vibes and a brand new bracelet. It was more than obvious.

"Oh my god are you two officially!" He leapt up, whimpering when he landed on his bad foot but Charles went bright red, his head buried in his hands.

"I can't believe it! It's about time Max! It was ages ago since ur little apology!" He giggled, getting all giddy at the two on the floor who were awkwardly laughing at Danny.

"Daniel I swear if you tell-" max begun.

"I'm telling Seb like right now!" He attempted to jump over Max on the tiles cross legged, but as he did his ankle gave way and he fell to the floor. Max quickly reacted and stopped his head hitting the floor.

"You idiot!" He laughed and Charles was holding in a snicker across the room, "Also! We can tell Seb thank you! I'm getting you to bed, it's late now anyway."

Charles shook his head with a grin as Daniel groaned, gently getting up and leaning on Max's shoulder.

"Mate you actually have to stand." Charles judged with a giggled, walking over and helping him to his room as well.


After Max sweetly decided to 'tuck in' Daniel, the two closed his door and left him to sleep, he'd lost a lot of blood, so rest was all he really needed for while.

"Going on a walk was one of lewis' worst decisions." Charles giggled as the walked over to their rooms, just as the monegasque was about to head into his own room, Max pulled him to the side and into bedroom instead.

The second the door was closed Max's lips found Charles's, gently placing a kiss against them, "I think you should sleep here tonight."

He smiled up at him, a wide grin across his face, "I still think you should go back to IKEA and get some curtains."

"I'm not scared of him anymore." Max laughed, his hands still against his boyfriends waist.

Charles stood high on his tip toes, fingertips gently against Max's jawline before he kissed his lips again.

"Also, thank you for the bracelet. I love it." He smiled against his lips, speaking only inches away from his face.

"It's a sorry for hating you on Valentine's Day." Max joked, giving him one last kiss before jokingly launching him on the bed and throwing a pillow at him.

"Oi!" Charles yelped, picking up another pillow and smacking it across his boyfriends face.

"Owww I was only joking don't smack me." He held the side of his face with a laugh.


Short chapter but I'm posting 2 tonight aha

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