Pool Party...

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possible TWs : jos , drugs, mentions of alcohol

a few days after the crash in the hurricane, the f1 household has been fairly quiet, everyone came down for breakfast. Lewis still had a bandage on his forehead, Charles and Max back to hating each other, Lando and Carlos still being all touchy, Yuki and Peirre were awfully quiet, Fernando and Lance just made a little trio with Checo. Oscar and Logan surpisingly being the loudest of the grid.

"That's it, ive had enough of this depressing act, we are gonna have a pool party." seb picked up his phone, "Im inviting everyone."

"Dont invite Toto! he'll have a go at us!" George shouted out, and seb just snickered, "Dont laugh, we could have died! he wouldn't have drivers!"

"What's he gonna do? sack you?" seb joked, "Kimi make some food or something, because  ive had it with all this sad shit."

"Im down for a party!" Logan exclaimed, making Oscar, lando and Carlos agree too.

"Does it have to be a pool party?" Charles whined, max gave a dirty look.

"Hes just a pussy for water, he had a meltdown about some rain on the balcony." Max rolled his eyes, laughing. Charles snapped his head back to look at him.

"There was a tornado, George and Lewis were in a fragile car and we were on a GLASS balcony." Charles scoffed, "You was too pussy to break the door!"

"It was tampered glass!"

"Stop it! we are gonna have a party tonight and have some fucking fun for once," Seb announced, "since restrictions are lifted, I am very sure that team principals are coming."

"Ughhh!" Both lewis and George joked, smiling at each other.


Charles was faffing around in his room, only in his boxers ,looking for his swimming trunks, "Where the fuck are they?" he doesn't use them often, he only brought them because  him and Pierre packed together and insisted they brought the same, otherwise, his excuse for the swimming part would be 'I forgot my trunks'.

He was practically tipping his room upside down when the door swung open, "oh my days, hurry up-"

Max came in, head buried in his phone buts till trying to rush him, "Can you not barge in my room you prick!" Charles yelled, grabbing a t-shirt to cover his chest.

"Fucking hell, chill out you're not naked." Max laughed but Charles didn't even smile, he just stared at him, making Max awkwardly shut up.

"why are you looking for swim trunks if you can't swim anyway?" he snickered, looking down at his phone then up at Charles, back to his phone.

"Why did you have to announce it to a whole table?"

Max shrugged, putting his phone away, "Its funny."

"Is it fuck? Its embarrassing." he shouted, "Get out."


Later on everyone was downstairs ready and people seb invited, like friends, family and team principals had arrived, Max was zoned out, looking at the drive way as cars piled in. A specific car he recognised caught his eye, when he realised the driver, it made his eyes go wide in shock, and anger.

"Who the fuck invited Jos!" Max screamed, everyone stared at him and Seb gave a puzzled look to the red bull driver as he peered around the kitchen door, drying off a plate.

"No one did Max?"

The boy ran up the stairs so fast everyones eyes stayed glued to the staircase. He tried to get into the bathroom but it was locked, he tried another bathroom, fucking locked. The moment he heard his dad speak he just chose the room closest. it just so happened to be Charles Leclerc's.

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