A million times..

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No one could sleep that night.

"Can you believe tomorrow they will be engaged?" Charles smiled, his legs were wrapped around max's waist, his arms around his neck and he was sat in his lap, just staring at how beautiful the man was in front of him.

"That's if Seb says yes." he joked, the moonlight reflected his smile so perfectly, it made it look like a move scene.

"You dare jinx it!" Charles whispered but in a loud tone, the dutchman just smiled at him.

"I take it back! Why would seb every dream of saying no, let's be honest." he snaked his arms around the monegasques waist, pulling him in even closer and hugging him, Max sighed peacefully, "I love you so much."

"You never look at me when you say it." Charles spoke into his neck, but then Max pulled him back to face him.

"Oh really?" he teased.

"Go on then."

"I love you so much Charles."

He smiled a toothy smile, having to cover his mouth at how giddy he was getting over it.

"I love you so much Max."

"Would you ever wanna get proposed to the way Kimi is?" Oscar asked, looking up at Logan from lap, fiddling with a loose thread on the Americans top.

"Id probably be the one proposing." he laughed, looking down at the Aussie.

"Won't be to me if you don't hurry up and kiss me sooner or later." Oscar sighed, smirking at the older boy.

"What?" Logans face was going red, not very obvious in the dark but not much was.

"Come on Logan, its obvious, what are we doing?" he crept his hand up a little higher to his collar.

"I dont know." he whispered, heart racing at how confident Oscar was right now, he thread his finger through the Australians hair, looking him right in the eye.

"Christ sake Logan-"

But Oscar couldn't finish his sentence, the American lifted his head up a little and leant in, meeting their lips.

When they pulled away Logans head didn't move, he smiled, "You know how long I was waiting to do that?"

"No, but I don't care." he smiled, reaching up using Logans shirt collar to help him and kissing him again.

"Carlos how are you sleeping right now?" Lando shook his shoulder, waking him up again for the 4th time the past hour.

"Maybe because  I have to be the one to dress everyone perfectly and a man needs beauty sleep for that" he rolled over, finding landos hand, "Lie down with me."

"Im like shaking with excitement! Do you think we'll be the groomsmen ?" he asked, Carlos looked at him with the biggest hearts in his eyes.

"I see you as a flower boy." he joked, pulling the brit down next to him, wrapping his arm around his waist and one under his neck, "Or as my groom."

"What you gonna marry me when we are older?" he asked, spinning around in the spoon to face his boyfriend, their faces inches apart.

"You wanna know what I see when we are older?" he smiled, lando nodded a thousand times over, "A big beach house like this one, a load of little golden retriever puppies running around, a huge kitchen so I can cook all the time for you," he brushed his boyfriends hair gently out of his face.

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