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While carlos and Lando were out seb was panicking, "why did i let him go?"

Charles sighed, leaning back on his chair so he could look at the older boy, "You didn't, he left."

"They'll be fine, it's only a storm." Max rolled his eyes.

"It's a hurricane!" Seb shouted, slumping down in Kimis chair, who gave him a glare and when he realised where he sat, he got up and moved.

"They are probably snogging right now anyway." Alex joked and sebastian gave him a death stare, as well as Charles.

"What! it's obvious now they went on a date, come on how didn't we see this coming?" Alex defended himself, Logan snickered again.

"i doubt anyone thought it would happen." he laughed, oscar hitting him on the arm.

"No wonder lando believed your fake date was real, you guys act gay enough." George giggled, sharing a look with lewis over the table.

"Guys they are out there in a hurricane, people die in hurricanes! we shouldn't be talking about gay people we should be think about them!" seb shouted.

"Well aren't we technically talking about them if we are talking about gay people?" George frowned and charles almost spat his drink out laughing.

"George! christ you're just as bad as a paparazzi!" the only german of the group yelled.

Moments later they heard the door open, everyone jumped out of their seat and peered around the corner to see a drenched Lando and Carlos walk in, shivering and getting water everywhere.

"thank god you guys are okay!" seb exclaimed, running up to the two and engulfing them in a massive hug, not caring that they were soaked from head to toe, "Christ your cold!"

"it's freezing out there." Lando laughed, shaking the water out of his hair and looking over at Carlos for a second before turning back to sebastian, "What the hell are we going to do while we wait for this to pass over?"

"You are going to go dry off because you're gonna get sick otherwise." he laughed a reply, kicking a pair of shoes out of the way and shooing the pair upstairs m, "and i don't want my floor ruined."

The two rolled their eyes and went upstairs, seb following them with his eyes and a massive grin.

"should we all watch a film?" Kimi suggested, everyone agreed.

"Don't pick a horror this time." Charles begged, he frowned.

"What's a good film then?" Kimi scoffed, a little offended in his tone.

"Can i pick?" Charles asked politely, hands together. Max rolled his eyes at him. He preferred him half asleep.

"Don't let him pick he'll pick something sad like titanic!" Max exclaimed, falling down onto the sofa with his arms crossed in a huff.

"I wanna watch titanic!" george smiled, leaping onto the couch, they'd usually use the cinema room in the basement, but with the hurricane they doubted there'd be signal.

"See?" Charles raised his eyebrows at the dutchman, whose expression didn't change, just stayed pissed off.

they all gathered on the sofas, some sat on beanbags and kimi on his armchair which he moved to see the TV. Carlos and Lando came downstairs just in time, wearing matching pjs while everyone was still wearing what they slept in.

"if your sitting there at least budge up that way-" Charles pushed max a little into daniel, they were stuck next to each other since they both insisted they got best veiw of the screen.

"You're gonna squash daniel!" he shoved the monégasque back, into Pierre.

"If you two are gonna evie the whole time move." seb sighed from the armchair he was perched on. the two he was talking to finally shut up and put up with it.

The film started, Lando was lying on the floor with Carlos, his head on the spaniards lap as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Your hairs still soaked." he whispered over the movie, lando smiled.

"So is yours shush."

he interlinked their hands, they seemed to fit perfectly despite Carlos' being almost 10 times bigger than his. Lando rested their hands on his chest.

George was nervously sat besides Lewis, occasionally looking over at the other brit but flicking his eyes back to his lap every time he almost noticed his stare. he just wished he had the confidence to talk to him.

Pierre and Yuki were having their bromance moment, throwing popcorn at each other then having their arms around each other.

Fernando was just complaining to lance that he's too old for this and he's watched it too many times, making everyone shout, "Nando shut up!" a few times.

Nearing the end of the film Charles started bawling his eyes out, bringing his knees to his chest and resting his head there.

"Oh my god you are such a crybaby!" Max laughed, "You've seen this so many times and you still cry?"

"It's sad okay!" he sniffled, wiping his eyes.

"it's really not, if she just moved her ass over a bit he'd get on the door too!" max pointed to the tv, making hand gestures.

"Seb not you too!" Max yelled with a laugh, seb smiled teary eyed.

"I'm with charles on this one, it is sad." he spoke, he was now fully leaning on Kimi who had his arms wrapped gently around him, giving max a look to say he agreed, they were being dramatic.

The film ended and Charles really was a ball of tears, Max was shuffling away from him by the second and Pierre was laughing his arse off, "Films done now Char."

Max didn't like the nickname Char, he didn't like any for charles but if he had to pick, it would not be that.

Everyone filtered out of the room, Kimi giving seb a massive hug even though he also thought he was being a bit dramatic with the tears, he embraced him with a big smile. Max just gazed at them, he'd never seen two people he saw as parents more than them.

"M-Max?" Charles shook the dutchman as he looked down at his phone, Max scowled but replied.



he showed him his phone, on twitter, the trending search bar was 'F1 HOUSE?' with a load of tweets under it, he clicked on them and dozens of photos of them all appeared, them at the pool party, them at karting, logan and oscar on the yacht, Max and Charles on the balcony, a photo of George and Lewis in the car in the hurricane. And the worst one, Carlos and Lando in the rain...


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57 days till Bahrain 😭

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