Nightmares... And Dreams

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That night was very quiet, after Logan felt somewhat fine, he and Oscar fell asleep in the Americans room. Everyone else seemed to sleep peacefully, but one nightmare kept replaying in Yukis head while he slept.

He gasped as he sat up so quick he went a little light headed, it was the same nightmare every time his head hit the pillow.


An alpine car slams into the wall and the crowd are in scattered gasps. The car is flipped and into the barrier on its side. Whoever the driver is, isn't getting out.

"An alpine is in the wall! And it seems to belong to Peirre gasly!" Crofty yelled into the microphone on the commentary.

Yuki watched from the pitlane as he had an engine failure on a later lap, the pitlane is silent with scare and terror as the engine caught fire.

"Peirre!" Yuki's imaginary self yelled as he ran to the pit wall, trying to see if his best friend was out of the car. But Peirre was trapped, and not even the marshals could help.

"Peirre!" He screamed.


Then his real life self woke up, drenched in a cold sweat as his heart picked up a dangerous pace quickly. He jumps up, rushing over to Pierre's bed beside his , shaking him awake, "Pierre? Pierre? Are you okay?"

Pierre was shook awake, jumping a little when he saw Yuki looking at him with what looked like tear stains almost, the Frenchman's eyes widened, "Yuki I'm fine what-?"

Yuki relaxed a little, he was fine. And that was all that was running through his mind now.

Pierre slowly sat up, grabbing the Japanese boys shoulder before he could start pacing up and down the room, "what is going on?"

His whole body was shaky and especially were his hands, the anxiety boiling in him was very obvious as the frenchman pulled him over right in front of him.

"What happened?"

"Nightmare." Yuki breathed, trying to wriggled his wrist out of his best friend's grip but he shook his head.

"Hey, chill." Peirre whispered, "what was the nightmare about?"

He stared at him, not knowing whether or not he wanted to say, but the way Pierre's fingertips were grazing his lower arm so gently , it almost made him fold, he mumbled, "You... in a race."

He frowned at Yuki, a slight smile creeping on his face, "And what happened on the track?"

The Japanese took a deep breath, "You hit the barrier, a-and you got trapped, then the car set on fire! And I couldn't do anything I was stuck in the stupid pitlane just watching and-"

He kept on ranting and Peirre started to shake his head, whispering for him to shush because he was starting to make himself cry, "Shh Yuki, don't make yourself cry, I'm right here, I'm fine."

He smiled at him comfortingly, but Yuki was already in a few tears. He wiped them away, nodding his head with a deep breath while looking around the room.

"Hey, hey look at me." Peirre placed his hands on the two cheeks of his best friend, "I'm here, I haven't gone anywhere I promise."

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