One hundred Percent

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Lando dropped his plate in shock, it smashing with the glass that came from Carlos' cup right next to each other. He looked at everyone staring at him, I mean who wouldn't? He felt claustrophobic as he walked out quickly, racing up the stairs and slamming his bedroom door.

He locked himself in his room, sliding his back down the wall he shared with Carlos.

On that date he lied to carlos, saying it was hopeless, saying he wasn't like them. only because he was scared, he thought he did right, right by his job, right by his family, but in reality, he only did wrong by himself.

He shouldn't have blew Carlos off like that. And that was the only think keeping him from running up to him right now, apologising like mad, saying he was wrong. Would it make him angry? would it just confuse him? after that commotion downstairs does he even like him any more?

And now everyone knew, everyone knew what he did to Carlos.

He couldn't possibly go look him in the eye right now, it would just break his heart.


Carlos took deep breaths, sat against his bedroom wall seconds away from crying. The one time he tried, the one time he initiated something with Lando it felt wrong, it ended wrong, it wasn't supposed to end like that. He and Lando were supposed to be the happy ones.

He tried to catch his breath but it was difficult when the only person who helped him do that was the one who made him loose it.


Everyone downstairs was speechless, seb was frozen, not knowing what to do at all.

"Who on earth started that?" Seb slowly moved his eyes from the glass shards to the table full of people he called his children, all of them pale in the face.

Charles immediately pointed at Max, "He did!"

"What the fuck Charles!"

"you know what, just shut up!" seb shouted, taking a deep breath, "Everyone shut the fuck up!"

Every single sound in the world seemed to be silenced, not even the running water made a sound. Kimi walked up to seb, placing a hand on his shoulder gently, "Ill clean up the glass, check on the two upstairs.'

He placed a kiss on his boyfriends head and smiled at him.

Seb just nodded in return and ran up the stairs, not knowing where to go first, he stood between both doors, forgetting they shared a single wall.

He chose Carlos, lightly tapping on the door, "Carlos? its seb."

He opened the door and saw Carlos on the floor, hands running though his hair and tears streaming down his face, "Seb?"

"yeah its me, what happened?" he crouched in front of the spaniard, giving him a look of sympathy. He started explaining everything that happened, before the date, the date, Logan shouting it to the whole table to now.

"You and Kimi were best friends before you.. you know, fell in love? why didn't that work for me?' Carlos asked, every word he said was like a dagger to sebs pure heart.

'Oh Carlos." he pulled him in for a hug, rubbing the spaniards back gently to stop him crying, "its okay."

"Its not! I want him seb! but he doesn't want me!"

Seb sighed, breaking the hug.

"I dont think that's the case," he smiled at him, "Go take a walk or something Carlos, you know, relax."

He nodded, slowly getting up, "Hold on, one thing."


"How come I didn't know you had a thing for lando?" Seb smiled, Carlos sniffled, smiling back.

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