Carlando Fights

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"I cannot believe it!" Lando exclaimed giddily, "We are actually racing Carlos!!"

The Spaniard quietly snickered as he watched his boyfriend jump around, he shook his head with a slightly sad grin, "It's weeks away cariño."

"And you aren't excited! Come on Carlos we will at least get half an F1 season!" He danced around their bedroom, twirling and bouncing on the floor. But Carlos watched, deflated.

"Well..-" He went to reply, but his boyfriend cut him off.

"Oh my god! People will go crazy, imagine how many people will come?" he kept ranting, refusing to believe this was true, it was a dream.

"Lando.." Carlos' face was drooped, he was no where near as excited as his boyfriend, he was far less excited, "How are we gonna work?"

Lando frowned, he didn't understand where this was coming from, "What do you mean?"

"I have to race you again Lando, not as a friend as a boyfriend! i cant do that.." He sighed, "And what if you crash or something! what im supposed to sit in the pitlane instead of running to help you?"

Landos face was blank. "Carlos youve done this for years!" he laughed a reply, thinking Carlos was being sarcastic, "Whys it different?"

"Because i fucking care about you now! not that i didnt before, but its so much more than i used to." he breathed out shakily.

The brit now had a huge frown on his face, "What do you expect us to do? quit for a year? Hide away in this big mansion? this is our job Carlos, we're just gonna have to learn through it."

Carlos got up and shook his head, "I need a walk," he sighed, picking up a jacket and his keys, Landos mouth dropped.

"Seriously? You're so worried you wont be able compete with me because you love me?" His eyes were so wide, he'd never thought something so happy would make Carlos so anxious.

"Yes Lando! I love you that much i'm scared ill accidentally tell the world we are together by me caring far to much!" he did want to argue, it was stupid thing to argue over, but whenever they fight, its not something Lando takes easily.

"Go for a walk then! sounds like something you need to figure out on your own." He shook his head, all his giddiness was gone, and he'd immediately regretted saying that, because hes not like that. At all.

When the briton said that, Carlos just left after his jacket was on. As soon as the door shut Lando scrambled to his feet, swinging it open and rushed down the stairs, "Wait Carlos i didnt mean-"

But he was already in the door, "Its something ive gotta figure it out, not your problem!" Carlos shit the door behind him and everyone in the dining room, who were still celebrating fell quiet.

Seb was first to peep his head around the corner, "whats going on?"

"Nothing." Lando spoke quietly, but Seb was already halfway down the corridor. Grabbing landos arm before he made a dash for his bedroom.

"It is something." he spoke, a concerned look across his face, everyone was peering down the hall, intrigued, so Lando gave in.

The pair walked back into the dining area, Lando slumped into his chair which is usually right next to Carlos'. He was hesitant, but spoke, "Carlos is worried he's gonna tell the whole world about... us!"

Charles snickered, "How? whats he gonna slip up at a press conference?"

Kimi thwacked him on the arm and he yelped a slight bit, getting a giggle from Max.

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