The ring

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"Why aren't the fiancé's not up yett!" Charles raced downstairs, clinging to Max's hand who definitely had a late night. Letting go when they swung around the corner.

Carlos was making his pancakes as they seemed to have been stranded for breakfast by their parents, but no one could blame them.

"Charles shut up-!" George tried to stop him but deflated when he realised it was too late. Lewis was already back to floods and floods of tears.

"Aw Lulu!" Lando pouted with happy eyes, untangling himself of the spaniards arm and ran over to the fellow brit, wrapping his arms around his neck, "You better cry like this when I get engaged!"

Everyone snickered, staring at Carlos cooking.

"Don't look at me!"

"Where are they actually?" Lance asked, clueless.

"Sebs been non stop crying, screaming or giggling all night." Max yawned, "Kimi fell asleep a bit before him since I saw seb in the kitchen."

Charles peered over his shoulder, giving Max big grin.

Daniel was scrolling through a laptop, frowning in thought, "What do you think Seb and Kimis weddings gonna look like?"

Lando perked up, finally letting go of the chokehold he had on Lewis, "Oh my god its gonna be in the snow, a load of flowers and  candles  and I think they should put the flower girl in a mini f1 car!"

Carlos snickered, "That's your dream wedding not Kimi and Sebs."

"The flower girl is smart." Charles spoke through a mouthful of pancakes, pointing his fork at lando.

"I think they should do it in Germany or Finland." Fernando suggested, shrugging.

"Kimi gives in too easy and it would be Germany before he's even heard of the idea." Lewis sniffled, a huge smile across his face as George shook his head, patting the older brits shoulder.

"SH!" Charles exclaimed, "I can hear them coming!"

Everyone went silent and the footsteps on the stairs paused, before continuing.

Seb appeared around the corner, smiling like hell and refusing to look up, Kimi for once showing a grin and his hands on his now fiancé's shoulders.

"He's gone shy!" kimi shouted, pushing seb into the kitchen and everyone just screamed.

"Sebbb!" Charles tip toed over to the german, taking his hands off his face and looking at the shiny ring on his finger.

"I'm gonna cry again!" Lewis whined, George scoffed.

"You big softie!" Kimi exclaimed to lewis.

Kimi wrapped his arms around sebs neck, swaying the two with a beaming grin, also glancing at the ring he bought, "Did i do good at the ring at least?"

he laughed, a little jokingly. Seb nodded, glancing up to give him a kiss, "It's perfect."

"TOO PERFECT!" Lewis cried, slamming his hands onto the table and sniffling into a tissue as George wrapped his arms around him, rolling his eyes.

"Okay okay lewis chill." Seb laughed, a vibrant pink shade on his cheeks, "Where's lando gone?"

Carlos sighed, "When he heard you guys he ran upstairs to get two weird bracelets he made with SIMI on them last night at like 2 am."

"Aw you ruined it he was excited to show them!" Max scoffed.

"I am not wearing any form of jewellery till I get my version that." Kimi shook his head, pointing at the band on Sebs finger. Who just rolled his eyes.

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