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It was 3:04am. Max was dozing off on the sofa downstairs, Carlos came down to help, swearing he wouldn't tell a soul, but he and Lando snook off at some point.  Daniel managed to find out too and was searching places that people didnt know existed in the house before falling asleep at the bottom of the stairs. However Charles was still pacing up and down looking.

"Max?" he whispered, crouched down in front of the dutchman with eyes of guilt, "You awake?"

"Barely." he mumbled, smiling as his eyes opened a little, 'Any luck?"

He shook his head, sighing but he looked completely hopeless, "I have no clue how it just vanished!"

Max sighed, dragging Charles onto the sofa next to him, "Shh, lie down its so late."

Charles sunk into his arms, a pout still on his face as he curled into his arms, "All I did was get p to get a drink how-"

"Charles. Go to sleep." he had a smile on his face now, he wasn't happy about the situation, but acting just like the monegasque right now wouldn't help at all.

He rolled over into the dutchmans side, wrapping his arms around his waist and tucking his chin into the crook of his neck, "Sorry I thought something was going on with lando." he giggled, muffled a little by Max's hoodie.

"Well I think they'll all know by tomorrow." he smiled, kissing his heard.

"Can we wake up early and find the ring?" he asked, breathing into his neck.

"You? Ditching your lie ins?" 

"Id ditch sleep for Kimi and Seb but you wouldn't let me." he smiled, cuddling Max a little tighter.


That morning Max knew Charles would be more than pissed off if he didnt get enough sleep, so he woke up before him and let him sleep on the sofa. He was tucked in with a victoria secret blanket Lily brought to them from Alex's room.

He looked through every inch of the basement, tipped the place upside down and searched it head to toe. No ring. It all felt pointless, he'd done all that for nothing.

But he thought of something, in the halls, in the gardens and in the basement Kimi had cameras installed after the drugging incident. He looked around the corners of the room, laying eyes on a camera facing right into the whole room.

He grabbed the laptop Kimi left downstairs, trying a number of passwords before getting in successfully, surprisingly, Kimi has easy passwords.

He looked at the time when they got downstairs, keeping his eye on the ring as he sped it up.

His smile dropped when he saw the footage.


"LOGAN AND OSCAR IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" He stormed up the stairs, everyone was wide awake and Oscars door, that had a sign a fan gave himm before covid that said 'loscar<3', was now sung open and almost made a whole in the wall from the handle.

"Christ Max!" Oscar shouted, throwing a pillow at him as he waltzed in, Logan was curled up on the floor, looking like he rolled of the bed at some point in his sleep but was now struggling to wake up.

"Where the fuck is it?"

Lando peered in, Carlos close behind and Charles practically legged it up the stairs straight after he heard Max scream. "What's going on?" the brit asked, eyes heavy.

Lewis and George were here too now, crowding around the pool table ready to doze back off to bed any moment.

"What?" Oscar had a smile on his face, and Max new he wasn't innocent immediately.

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