Peirre's Birthday

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A few days after the party, everything went back to normal, everyone was happy, George and Lewis were fine and healed, max and Charles back to their normal hating state but Max chose not to tell anyone about the drugged thing, besides Daniel who was awake when it all happened, Charles seemed back to normal, but he kept a close eye on him. 

Lando and Carlos had been perfectly fine ever since they got here, never leaving each others side and always cuddling, Fernando was just being Fernando, making weirdly famous tiktoks and taking photos of lance all the time. But it was peirres birthday in an hour or so, and Yuki and Charles had a plan.

It was 11 at night, everyone was knackered from a long day of shopping so they went to sleep abnormally early for the f1 house hold.

"What if everyone wakes up? we are banned from the kitchen." Yuki giggles as the pair tip toe their way downstairs, Charles occasionally turning around to tell him to be quiet.

"That's why you've got to be quiet." 

When they got to the kitchen Yuki could hardly open a cupboard before silently laughing his ass off and crouching on the floor to stop, Charles tried to hold his laughter in so bad, "Yuki.."

He spoke while giggling, "Get up how do you even make a cake?"

"I dont know get a YouTube tutorial up or something." Yuki stumbled to get up as Charles actually searched for a tutorial, not finding one, he got a recipe out of sebs cooking books from when they went shopping.

"Would Peirre prefer chocolate or vanilla?" Charles asked, Yuki straight away went to speak but then stopped, clearly not having a clue.

"I actually dont know."

The two decided on a vanilla cake, Charles refused to do any mixing that involved his hands, he hated the idea of being messy but Yuki had over plans. While pissing himself at the state of his hands after mixing some sugar and butter together, he grabbed the bag of flour, throwing it all over Charles.

"Yuki!" he shouted, covered in a mountain of white powder.

Charles in return picked up the rest of the flour and dumped it right on Yuki head, 'Charles someones gonna wake up." he laughed, running his hands through his hair, a cloud of white floating to the floor.

"Do we have enough flour to even make the cake?" Charles now whispered after realising they must've woke someone up and the kitchen was practically unrecognisable.

"Yeah Kimi got two bags." he spoke, reaching up in the baking cupboard and grabbing it.

They got back to baking, everything seemed to go okay after, the batter looked fine and while they waited for the oven to preheat they tested how loud they could be without people upstairs hearing. Turns out the walls are pretty thick.

They put the batter in the oven and decided to leave the mess till after, cracking open a few beers and dancing around to music, on quieter than usual.

"YUKI!" Charles shouted,  Yuki decided to go sit down in the living room for a bit since the only chair in the living room was Kimis sacred chair he sits at every morning.

"Wha-" he couldn't finish his sentence before he was cut off by the sound of the smoke alarm ringing, "CHARLES WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

Yuki ran in and a massive cloud of smoke was handing near the oven, Charles on the floor having to hold his stomach he was laughing so much, "Yuki we are fucked." he breathed between giggles, Yuki now having a bit of a laughing fit too.

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