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Suddenly everyone else vanished in Oscars mind, he could hear Lando and Carlos on the yacht and it didn't sound good, but it was like he couldn't see them, all he saw was him splashing his beast friend with water, "Logan its in my eyes stop!"

While having a laughing fit Logan moved closer to his friend, "Open your eyes then."

"Im trying!" he giggled, he felt Logans hands on his shoulders as he desperately attempted to open his eyes but the salty water didn't allow him to.

"You've probably got sand in you eye or something." he said, Oscar finally eyes finally opened and his vision was blurry, he squinted multiple times before it became clear again.

Logan was inches away from him, like if he held his hand out even a tiny bit his fingertips would touch him. Oscar looked up, he hated how he was shorter than Logan usually but in this moment he didn't mind because he could see him far more clearly. The moonlight reflected off him perfectly, and to add to that the shine of his wet hair made it almost glisten.

"Logan." he spoke, Logan stopped looking up and responded with a simple 'hm?', "What are you looking at?"

His hands were still on his shoulders, it looked like a moment out of a rom-com. or titanic for christ sakes.

"Look at the stars." he smiled, Oscar looked up at the sky, thousands of tiny tiny dots spread across a black piece of paper was all it looked like, but if Logan found it so pretty, he did to.

"Look there's an O, Id say its for Oscar." he laughed, pointing at the obvious O in the sky, the stars that made it up were clearly brighter than the rest.

'I bet I can find an L." he replied, looking all around in the sky, ending up next to the O, "Look, there's and L right next to your stupid O."

"Oi dont call it stupid." Oscar giggled, "We should get out, its cold."

"yeah.." Logan whispered, still looking at the letters made out of stars before they climbed back onto the boat, realising Lando was at the wheel already.

"Think we are gonna head back to shore," He spoke plainly, which they agreed to since it was late, but immediately rushed over to Carlos who had his head in his hands by the fireplace.

"What on earth happened?" the pair both said at the same time, sitting on either side of the spaniard, who just shook his head.

"I have no clue." he sighed, "I dont wanna talk about it."

On the boat back a song that was from Logans and Oscars past started playing, blasting out of Kimis speaker. The pair started singing their hearts out, jumping round the boat making Carlos laugh a little, getting a few funny looks from lando at the front.

When they made it to shore Carlos and lando got off, but Kimi already thought the two were on a date, so they dragged it out as long as they could. This boat was Kimis son, if anyone damaged it they'd be sleeping outside.

They were both laid on the deck of the yacht, looking up at the stars still, Oscar wasn't sure why, but he liked the company, "What do you think happened with them two?"

Oscar was leant on his hand now, elbow keeping him up right facing Logan, who did the same, "I have no idea."

Oscar took a deep breath, "You think it was our fault?"

"How is it?"

"I initiated the idea of the whole double date, what if I had just let them two figure it out." Oscar slumped back down, sitting up against the fire pit, looking over at Logan who was still lied down.

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