Sand Castle Competition

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"Your room looks bloody horrible." Oscar laughed as Logan set up the last of his IKEA furniture, which he frowned in response to. He managed to get Kimi to allow him to get a built in closet, his bed was basically mounted into the wall, or it looked it. His desk and pc underneath. It was a dark wood and navy blue theme, it was as bad as Oscar was saying, he just wanted an excuse to talk to the boy.

"I like it." Logan smiled after he pushed his dresser against the wall, "Its minimal.'

"Minimal. its shit." he was honest, he gave a look to his friend over his shoulder, "Mines so much better."

He motioned for Logan to follow, he rolled his eyes, walking into his friends brand new room, the walls a matte black with a thick strip of white lining along it, his bed was low to the ground, the opposite to Logans. His pc on a white desk facing a window that showed the sea, posters of bands and people hung around it.

"What this is just as boring and bland as mine!" Logan argued with a smile, he walked over to a photo of him and Oscar that was stuck to the wall shrine of his family, friends and role models, he ran his thumb over it.

"So not!" Oscar exclaimed, Logan refusing to accept that, "Im so the better designer"

"Wanna bet?" Logan teased, he was taller than his friend, so he had to look down to even look him in the eye.

"Go on then." Oscar looked up then out of the window, think of a way to prove it, "I know, sand castle contest."

"are you serious?" Logan laughed, the McLaren boy nodded ferociously,

"100 percent.'

"Okay then, I guess its a beach day." Logan smiled, he loved being competitive with Oscar when F1 was on, up until he had one of the best rookie seasons since lewis.

"Stop staring at me," Oscar shoved him jokingly out of his new room.

"You stared back!" Logan laughed, the pair smiling at eachother.

"Tell everyone to be on the beach in 10."

Then the door shut, so Logan adventured out to find everyone else, they were all sat around the outdoor pool we had, seb and Kimi holding hands with their feet dangling in the water, Charles pushed in max but he managed to grab the monegasque's foot, pulling him under too.

"You dick!" Charles gasped for air, desperately trying to lift himself out of the deep end of the water but Max grabbed his hand every time he tried to climb the edge.

"Max let go of him!" Seb shouted, rushing over to the pool side where he dragged Charles out, who started coughing like bad as he fluffed his hair out.

"What can't you not swim?" Max teased, Charles still coughing all the chlorine out of his lungs.

"Just caught me off guard." he got up, grabbing a cup of water seb offered him.

"um guys anyone wanna go down to the beach?" Logan asked, "Oscar wants a beach day."

"im in!" Max said immediately, leaping out of the pool, getting a side glare from Charles.

"same," He stopped coughing, seb nodded to Logan say him and Kimi will join him.


They all ran out onto their private beach, Logan and Oscar found the best spot for they sand castles, Lance and Fernando were splashing around in the water with a random beach ball the pair found in the boot of one of the vans.

Charles was with Pierre, probably gossiping as per usual, Daniel, Carlos and Lando were all far in the ocean fighting over a unicorn floatie and Max and Perez were chatting with the grid parents. George and Lewis were just looking into the horizon at the boats passing by and Alex was waiting for Lily to come find them.

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