Karting Days

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"Have we definitely got Lando?" Kimi peered over his glasses in the wing mirror, then Lando poked his head over a seat, waving at him, "Thank goodness."

Peirre was in the centre of the car, next to Yuki, he was opening gifts from the drivers who were in that van, he was getting the rest at the karting place.

Yuki handed his gift over, a massive grin on his face when he looked at Charles, whose grin was even wider, he unwrapped it, a white box inside that was upside down, he flipped it.

"A fucking tripod?" Peirre half laughed and had his mouth wide open in shock, "Are you having a laugh?"

Yuki and Charles were giggling like mad and so were lewis and Lando, "Yes we are, this is what I really got you."

He gave him a smaller box, it wasn't wrapped it was just a box.

He shook the lid off, a silver bracelet inside with three charms on, one engraved with 'tripod' which made Peirre give Charles and Yuki a look from the corner of his eye, the next one said 'Charles+Peirre+Yuki' and the last one said 'Yukirre forever'.

Then Charles gave his, it was very similar because they had planned the gift so they could all match, his was another bracelet but more of a band style, the top had 'Charles <3 Peirre <3 Yuki' engraved.

"Awh thanks guys!" he exclaimed, putting both on in the van, Yuki helping with the clip on one of them.

"We're all matching now!" Charles exclaimed, showing his versions of the two bracelets, followed by Yuki.


They arrived at the karting place, Charles already eye rolling at max as they got out of separate vans at the same time, but the difference between them and Carlos and lando was significantly different, when lando got off he ran straight up to the spaniard and leaping on his back, who spun the brit around in circles.

"I better get a red kart!" Charles shouted, when they were all choosing, of course he picked red, Max getting a navy blue.

Carlos and Lando had orange, so Oscar decided on blue with Logan.

They were on the line, seb had the amazing idea to make it full F1 race style, by shouting this before everyone took off, "Well its lights out and away we go!"

It was only the first turn when Max was already past half the cars, but Charles managed to pull though to second, the two neck and neck just like their kiddie karting days.

It was Charles mission to win, if this was going to be their only race of 2024, he had to win it. the track was easy, they were in go karts so it was obviously easier, but didn't make the race aspect less adrenaline filled.

Carlos and Lando were purposely crashing into each other, seeing who would go flying off the kart first, well it was more of Lando just hitting Carlos.

Seb and Kimi couldn't bring it to race against each other, letting each other pass and when going into corners they make so much room it was unbelievable. Fernando was too busy catching up to Charles and Max, susessfully breezing past everyone else who were taking it very much less serious.

Charles overtook, then max, then Charles. it was like a rotation till Nando stepped in, overtaking Verstappen and creating a gap between the two.

Charles was shocked it was Fernando and not someone like lewis, but it turned out back with Kimi and seb the two Mercedes drivers were having a little drifting contest since they had no shot because how far they were.

the pair behind the monegasque had a final fight before Charles crossed the line on the last lap first, smiling like hell under his helmet.

"I did shit and its my birthday!" Peirre laughed as he took his helmet off, "Feels nice to do some sort of race though."

"Yeah!" Charles exclaimed into the Monaco air, waiting for Max to get out of his kart, which he was pretty delayed in doing so.

"I finally beat you for once!" Charles shouted with a huge grin plastered over his face, he started doing a happy dance, grabbing onto the arm of the dutchman who was hardly out of the car.

"Yeah yeah you won get off." he shook him off his arm, he wanted to roll his eyes and act pissed off, he wanted to be mad he lost and he wanted to hate that boy, but something in his head couldn't stop him smiling as he saw Charles bouncing around the pit lane.

He sort of wished he hadn't have shook him off his arm, because Charles seemed to genuinely not hate him when he won.

Oscar got out of the kart, genuinely shocked that Logan beat him, "No way."

His jaw was on the floor while a very happy American waltzed over, reaching his arm over his friends shoulders, "That thing is quicker than a Williams at this rate!"

"You still didn't win shut up." Oscar rolled his eyes, but Logan just shook him with his arm.

"But I still beat youu!"

Everyone sat on the sidelines, pretty happy with how well that went, the race finishes were weirdly shocking, but the last 6 were only because they were messing around.

1. Charles

2. Fernando


9. Checo
14 . George
16. Seb

Despite the seb and lewis doing crap in the 'race' the two started doing donuts in the karts, everyone laughed, watching the two spin in circles almost hitting each other. They were shockingly in unison.

"of course you guys had to do that," george smiled as lewis climbed out, pulling off his helmet.

"I never got the chance to in 2022 i had to." he grinned, fluffing out the youngest hair as a joke before wandering over to seb, giving him a big hug.

"Come back after covid seb!" he exclaimed as they broke the hug appart, the german just shrugged with a beaming smile.

"Come on kids, we'll get some food."

On the drive back the vans mixed up a bit, Max was shoved into kimis van and into the only spare seat, the one next to charles. He didn't mind though, charles was in a good mood from his 'win' but it depended if he still hated Max right now.

"You okay?" Max asked, charles looked knackered, eyes heavy and struggling to stay awake on the drive back.

"Yeah tired from that thing with Yuki last night, didn't get to sleep till 5." he yawned, max smiled, he had a soft spot for charles when he was tired or drunk. Well now he learnt he did too while drugged.

There was something about him when he was less serious, less bitchy. he actually spoke to him, something he didn't do as a kid.

Charles eventually dozed off, head falling onto Max's shoulder. As much as he wanted to move him, wanted to hate him and wanted to listen to his dad, his rival looked to peaceful.

Landon was cuddled into Carlos' side, watching something on their phone together, "Lando?"

he whispered down to the boy, who mumbled a 'hm?' as a response, "What are we doing?"

he ran his hands through the youngest hair, doing what he always does, coiling a few curls into a spiral around his finger, landon frowned into the spaniards shoulder, "What do you mean?"

Carlos knew he felt something for lando, as much as he didn't like to admit it, he looked at him as more than just a friend, "What are we?"

Lando seemed to go quiet, just staring at the phone screen but not watching it or taking any of it in. what was he supposed to reply to that with? Boyfriends? talking? even just friends?  "Do we have to think of that? cant we just... cuddle?" he sunk into carlos' arms a little more, who sighed.

"Okay then."


Short chapter but i NEED more carlando inspos asap!
Might have slower updates since i'm back to school soon 😭 have a good day guys!! x

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