Clifftop Costal Walks - Part 2

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"Kimi where the hell are they!" Seb paced up and down, phone anxiously placed to his ear as he rung lewis over and over, "How do we loose like 20 kids!"

"They are grown adults." Kimi snickered slightly, he was sat in his chair over looking the beach while Seb was ringing every contact he had. Eventually the fin got up, gently slipping the phone out of his hand and placing it on the dining table, "Seb, they are perfectly fine, who wants to steal that many unhinged f1 drivers anyway?"

His hand grazed the arm of his fiancé's, but seb just tried to reach for the phone yet again, "It seems like a jos idea! They are probably all piled in the back of a white van right now!"

Kimi shook his head, a smile creeping its way onto his lips, "Seb, they are fine."

He took a deep breath, spanning his hands and moving away from the phone, "You sure?"

"Roscoe is gone! they've probably just took him on a walk." The fin reassured. Seb just stood there, slowly nodding his head. 

"Yeah. Probably."



Everyone who hadn't ran off into the depths of the bushes screamed in unison as Daniels body dropped through a gap in the bush that lied on the cliff. Everybody just stared, equally terrified before Fernando ran over.

"Is he dead?!" Nando exclaimed like a cartoon character, over dramatizing it as the bush rattled. Every eye on this cliff top was just watching this darn bush.

"Im fine!" Daniel shouted, "Just fucking stuck in a load of thorns!"

A relieved sigh from everyone echoed the trees as they all rushed over to see what happened. Daniel was stuck in the middle of the bush, one foot tangled in a load of branches and cuts running up and down his skin.

"So Seb and Kimi arent gonna kill me?" Nando asked, still worried and a white pale colour in the face. George reached over and thwacked him on the arm.

"He almost fell through a bush and off a cliff and your scared of Kimi and Seb!" he yelled, the spaniard shrugged with wide eyes.

"They are scary!"

There was a pause as everyone looked into the bush, Daniel looked around with a frown, "Are you lot just gonna stare? im in a fucking bush!"

"I told you not to." Lewis snickered before attempting to lean in and reach his hand out, almost loosing his balance and falling in himself but George caught him by the side of his waist.

"And you'll end up in there too in a second!" he scoffed, he saw Dannys leg, it was torn like mad and blood was dripping down his skin, "Guys what do we do?"

"I thought you was gonna come up with a plan! No point yelling at everyone!" Fernando scoffed and so did George at his sentence.

"Im just gonna call Kimi and seb-!" Logan suggested, pulling out his phone and searching for the contact before his mobile was awkwardly snatched from his grip, "Hey!"

"If they know we all left and Daniel almost fell off a cliff we'll all get grounded or something!" Lewis shoved the phone in his pocket and immedatly started moving bushes and branches to get to the Aussie, who kept complaining and whining in pain.

Eventually, two more people decided to rejoin the group.

"Look who finally showed!" Oscar exclaimed as a very flustered Lando came giggling around a tree, Carlos creeping up behind him. But the brits face didnt stay flustered for long as soon as he saw people staring at the bush.

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