Bad at Love

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"Daniel?" Max whispered, "I need a favour."

"Max its almost midnight, im knackered from that theme park." Daniel smiled, looking up from his laptop that he was watching a film on, "But what do you need?"

"Charles won't talk to me." he sighed, sitting beside his best friend who frowned.

"He usually doesn't? why does that matter?" he asked, confused as hell, "Are you guys like friends now?"

"A bit more than that." he looked down as he spoke, fiddling with something in his lap, "And I fucked up at the club, big time."

"Hold on you and Charles?" Daniels jaw was on the floor, "Shut up, you guys are a thing?"

Max could only see one thing in the poorly moonlit room and it was the Aussies huge grin, stretching from ear to ear, he rolled his eyes at his dramatic reaction, "I dont know, but we were.. something."

"That's not nothing!" he exclaimed, fully jolted up now, intrigued to know more asap, "What did you guys kiss or something?"

"Shh! and its none of your business!" Max hit his friend on the arm, "... but sort of yeah."

Daniel shrieked, "No way!"

"Whatever Dan, I didn't come here to tell you that," he sighed, "He's like, more than just pissed off at me."

"What did you do?" His smile faded, realising this was serious, Max didn't care about relationships, the grid found out through twitter months after him and Kelly broke up about their split, he didn't even bother to tell them. All his other girlfriends he never cared about, but max actually owning up to something? Actually wanting to fix it? That was overly crazy.

"You know the guy I punched?" he started, clearly not a proud look on his face, "I kissed his girlfriend to disguise myself from Jos seeing me."

Dan laughed, like bursted out laughing, "Are you serious? You couldn't run off to the bathroom or something?"

"I tried! But this stupid woman had her hands all over me and I couldn't move!" Max defended himself, but he still knew he was in the wrong, "Well Charles saw."

Daniel looked stunned, it was too much infromation for one night, Max and Charles are a thing? Max kissed a random woman? Punched a random guy because  of it?

"That poor boy!" was all he managed to get out, "How the hell are you covering up that?"

"Im not covering it up, im telling him the truth," he made his lips thin, looking anywhere but in the Aussies eyes, "But he won't come like a meter near me."

"We'll make a plan, what you wanna apologise right now?" Daniel blinked, eyes not as heavy now he was blessed with all that drama.

"Well yeah!"

So the two made a plan, and it all depended on Charles doing it.

"Charles?" Daniel acted panicked, shaking on cue and almost looked like he had tears in his eyes, "Where's Max?"

"I dont know Dan? Go ask someone else." he sighed, sitting on his phone in his bed, "Its one am he wouldn't go far."

"No Charles after the Themepark he went somewhere ive looked everywhere for him." He tried so hard not to corpse and smile, but he paced around, making it look believable, "He said the beach or something but I looked on the beach outside the house hes been gone for hours!"

Charles frowned, then it clicked. 

He was so close to getting up, saying he knew exactly where, but at the same time he didn't want to speak to the dutchman, "Go check the rest of the beach."

Daniel rolled his eyes, he couldn't act it anymore, "fucks sake Charles, take a hint."

he threw his arms up and the monegasque raised his brows, slowly putting his phone down,  "What?"

"Im not acting it anymore, go talk to the boy." he sighed, walking over to his bed and perching on the side.

"I dont know what your on about?"

"Go talk to your boyfriend!" he exclaimed, having enough of the plan.

"Hes not my boyfriend!" He yelled back.

"Whatever he is! Go talk to him, please." he gave him a guilty look, "Im not saying it for him! Your gonna go out there and see what he has to say!"

"Its 1 am Daniel!"

"Its either that or he freezes to death because  there's no signal on that beach!" he shrugged, a smile on his face as Charles leapt up, grabbing his coat and slipping his shoes on.

"You.." he pointed a finger at the Australian, "Do my head in."

"Everyone loves me reallyyy!" he smiled, hands linked together with that pleading look.

Charles rolled his eyes, "Well you're shit at acting."

"Good job im an F1 driver!"


Charles ran down onto the beach, wind blowing his hair like mad as he had his freezing hands shoved in his pockets, he reached the spot they first kissed, looking around having to move his chestnut brown hair out of his face, "Max?"

he turned to the ledge near where they fell over, and there sat on a railing was the dutchman, whose head shot up when he heard him speak, "Max get back inside." he sighed, almost knowing what what the conversation would be anyway.

"Charles wait!" Max jumped down, grabbing the boy by the shoulders so he couldn't move, "Please let me explain."

"what is there to explain Max?"He tilted his head with a shrug, "I was just an experiment its fine."

He tried to turn around, but Max snatched him again, "You was so much more than that Charles please."

Charles stopped, relaxing a little with the grip max had of him.

"Wait no, not was, you are so much more than that," he started, "Charles I didn't kiss that girl because  I wanted to! My dad came around the corner and-"

he started explaining every little detail, "I did it to hide myself and I was gonna come find you right after and tell you but you saw!" he was almost crying now, looking straight into Charles eyes.

The monegasque sighed, looking up at max with tears in his eyes, he started smiling a little.

"I wasn't thinking! I just didn't want my dad to see me and-" he was speaking so fast it was difficult to understand him, "I didn't want to hurt you Charles, I dont want that tatty girl she was a proper whore and she wouldn't get her hands of me.."


"I dont want to stop talking to you, I dont want to stop whatever we have going on."


"I dont wanna loose you!"

Charles just grabbed him by the face and kissed him, slowly pulling away a little just so their foreheads still touched, "max, you haven't lost me."

Max had tears streaming down his face now. He nodded, wrapping his arms around his waist and hugging him.

Charles smiled into the older boys shoulder, hugging him tighter than he ever had before, sniffling a little bit himself.

"I love you Charles, im sorry im so bad at showing it."

He felt his heart race as he said that, butterflies speeding laps around his stomach. he pulled apart the hug a bit so he could look at Max, cupping his face.

"I love you too Max." 


Im such a baby why am I crying? 

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