Blizzard on a Balcony

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Possible TWs: Storms, panic attacks

"Don't panic guys, its only a warning!" Seb exclaimed over the mayhem of the house, a weather warning for Monte Carlo was sent out saying a huge hurricane is said to happen tonight, possibly a tornado, a danger to life waning was issued, it was sunny yesterday, hell they were all on the beach, but Mother Nature wasn't so satisfied.

"Shut up!" Kimi shouted, everyone fell silent.

"Thanks babe, um guys its only a warning but id rather be safe than sorry, so.." he scanned the room," Lewis, in a bit, could you go to the shops? get some stuff... and candles! might need those, ill give you a list! maybe take someone in case?"

Lewis nodded, looking over at George, "You wanna go with?" he asked.

George nodded pretty quick, agreeing.

"Sorted." seb smile, then eyes landed on Max, "Max can you put a mattress on each bedroom window? we'll stay in the basement but if it is... bad. the bedrooms are okay for after."

"Carlos and lando, put pool covers on, the plastic ones and make sure they are on secure." Kimi orders, telling the boys to go now.

"Lance and Fernando, bring some stuff downstairs, the warning says it could last days." seb asks, the two get right to it.

"Daniel and Checo bring any decorations or stuff from outside in side and put the cars in the garage.

"Except mine!" lewis shouted at checo, not rudely, just so he knew, which the Mexican nodded a reply.

"Where are Logan and Oscar?" seb asks sternly, Charles speaks.

"I think they slept in."

"That's okay I can help lance and Fernando, can you help max?" he asks Charles with a pleading look, he shakes his head, he was already scared, didn't need to be fucked off too.

But the look on sebs face was very convincing, almost like puppy dog eyes. he looked over at his rival, then sighed, rolling his eyes a little ,"Fine."

"Thank you!" seb thanks as he goes off on his jobs, leaving him and Max alone together.

He motions for Max to head up stairs, he follows up after him with a sigh. they started with Checos room, his rooms very simple, little to no posters, quite old man like and it looked like it hurt to drag the freshly made sheets off the bed. Charles started folding bedding up and grabbed valuable stuff  to put in his ensuite tub. He had to do this for years when he lived with his family here, hurricane season always terrified him.

"does that look safe?" Max asks, the younger boy sighed when he saw the abomination max made of sofa pillows and blankets stacked with a huge mattress on top, half blocking the window.

"No, ill do it," he pulled a set of drawers over to the window seal, he then attempted to lift the mattress, but max notices his hands that are shaking like crazy, so he helps, "There,"

"That looks like it'll fall off?" Max criticised, which Charles gave a huge frown, it clearly wouldn't? And it was way better than his? but Charles didn't want to fight, he was too busy trying to focus on breathing let alone talk to this knobhead.

"It won't, come on." Charles walked into the next room where they repeated the process, but Max had found a little opening to talk to Charles, and seemed to think they were on speaking terms.

"Why are you such a dickhead today?" Max exclaimed, "Usually your a fun dickhead at least."

"There's a fucking storm coming! what you want me to be bouncing off the walls with excitement? Oh my god there's a storm! Yippee!" he mocked, scoffing as he started to just lob bedding off its mattress.

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