Sick day

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That next morning everyone was downstairs but Logan, which wasn't like him. Yes he liked a lie in, but he never slept in until 11:30.

"where is Logan?" Oscar asked, he was watching some Netflix show on his phone but when no one replied, he dropped it onto the dining room table, "hm?"

"Haven't seen him." Max yawned, he had huge eye bags under his eyes, he looked like he had zero sleep last night.

Seb noticed, a frown across his face, "Max why do you look so tired?"

Charles snickered while eating a bowl of cereal as Max rolled his eyes, "well Daniel kept knocking on my bedroom door saying his bandage was annoying him and he did that what?" There was a pause and he looked at Charles for an answer, "10 times? at like 3 am."

Daniel smiled mischievously from the other end of the table with a bar of chocolate and a red bull, he said it helps him heal but everyone just went along with it.

Oscar frowned when people were basically ignoring him now, "No one has seen Logan?" He asked, again.

Everyone shook their heads except Lando, " I saw him go to the bathroom earlier so he's in the house."

The Aussie rolled his eyes, it's as obvious he was here, just why wasn't he downstairs?

Oscar got up, abandoning his phone and food and shoving his chair away. Him and Logan seemed to be separated by everyone since they took the ring as a joke.

He quickly ran up the stairs before anyone could question him, he glanced in Logan's bedroom, it was empty, he looked in his own bedroom, no body.

He frowned, glancing over at the bathroom door which was locked.

Logan wasn't the type of person to ghost people, even after their kiss, he didn't ghost Oscar at all. Did Oscar have a clue what they were? No. Did he know they were definitely more than friends? Yes.

He banged on the door when he realised it was locked, "Logan? You okay?"

"I'm fine Oscar go away." It sounded like he was speaking through his teeth, like he was wincing or in pain or something.

"What are doing?" He asked softer this time, Logan didn't tell people to go away like that often.

"Nothing just leave it and go downstairs." Logan breathed heavily, through the door it sounded echoey and faint.

"Everyone's supposed to go down to the beach soon," he spoke with his knuckle still against the door, "Are you sure your okay?"

It was quiet this time, he tried the door again and it was still locked.

"Logan?" He spoke, tapping on the door again and still silence, "Logann? Open the door."

The lock clicked and the hinges were sprung open, he immediately pressed down on the handle and walked in.

Logan was sat on the floor curled up in a blanket, hair a mess, eyes dropped and tired looking and his head leant against the side of the bathtub.

"What's up?" Oscar asked softly, walking over and then crouched down beside him placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I dont know, I don't feel well." He took a deep breath, he looked proper out of it and knackered. Oscar gave him a sincere look as he dragged the Americans hair back a little, feeling his forehead.

"Your boiling why have you got a thick blanket on?" He questioned, attempting to take the fleece cover off him but he refused.

"I feel freezing." He shuddered.

"You've probably just got a fever." He reassured with a half smile, his hand back in his hair, running his fingers through it gently.

"Can you go tell Seb I'm not going to the beach?" Logan asked, the Aussie shook his head and he frowned.

"I'll tell him neither of us are going, I'll look after you." He smiled down at the American, who just sunk into the blanket around his body.

"Come on," he got up, holding Logan's hands and helping him to his feet, "We aren't gonna stay in this bathroom all day,"

Logan breathed out as he stood up, "what if I get you sick?"

"I don't care, we'll be sick together then." He laughed, not letting go of one of his hands and gently rubbing him thumb against the back of his palm.


"I don't need babying." Logan rolled his eyes with a smile as Oscar brought him a glass of water, he was curled up in his sheets and refused to let go of his blanket even though he had a thick hoodie on already.

"It's not babying, it's just me being nice." He smiled, placing the glass down and then crawled onto the bed from the other side, "Also, I may have told Seb you aren't feeling well-"

"Logan!?" Seb came running into the room, an irritated kimi behind him who looked like he was trying to stop him running up the stairs.

"I tried okay! He's being so dramatic!" Kimi laughed from behind, Seb rushed over to Logan who's eyes just rolled with a slight grin.

"Logan are you okay?" He asked like a concerted mother with her youngest child, he did exactly what Oscar did, felt his forehead and offered him medicine but he just said no.

"Seb I'm fine, I promise." He laughed a little, his eyes blinking more slowly from how tired he was.

"Nope! Kimi go ask Max and Charles to go to the shop and get medicine!" He exclaimed and the fin rolled his eyes again.

"Last time we told them to it ended in tears." Kimi spoke.

Seb shrugged, his hand still on Logan's shoulder, "Ask Lewis and George then!"

"That time it ended in hospital." He laughed.

The two started bickering and Logan just gave Oscar a tired look, the aussie smiled slightly and started gently rubbing circles across his back.

"Seb, just go enjoy yourself on the beach, I'll look after him." Oscar sighed, the German gave him a look but he just shook his head, motioning for kimi to take him away some how.

Kimi grabbed his fiancés hand, leading him out of the room and shutting the door behind, just before it closed, he peered around the gap, "hope your okay Logan."

There was a bit of quiet after they left.

Logan yawned, glancing over at his crush and hesitantly placed his head on his shoulder. Snuggling into the Australian's hoodie. He felt most comfortable with Oscar, and that was all he craved right now.

"You wanna watch a marvel film?" He whispered into the Americans hair, gently placing his lips on his head while he waited for a reply, Logan smiled.

"You hate marvel." He spoke with his eyes closed.

"I'd watch it for you." Oscar mumbled back, leaning his head now on the blonde's.

"You'd do everything for me." He joked, "also, I might actually need some paracetamol, my head kills."

Oscar laughed under his breath, "pick a film, I'll get them."


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