Big decisions..

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After the pool game the next day, Carlos' team won eventually, but when Charles played Max again, he somehow beat him. Coincidence or not?

Now everyone was doing their own thing, like how George and Lewis were walking along the beach since it was the first sunny day of the month without a hurricane warning, "You think our PR will be happy?" George asked, a squint in his eye as they walked, the occasional spring breeze getting in their faces

"What since people were saying we hated each other after that crash?" Lewis scrunched his face, "Id say they have to be pretty happy."

"Well that but also what about you driving us into a ditch?" George laughed, hands rubbing his cold arms, it really was a weird weather day, sand was boiling hot like a heatwave but breeze was cold enough to make him shiver.

"Number one, wasn't my fault. Number two, they doing have to know do theyyy?" he smiled down at the other brit, who gave a grin back.

"I was fine but you could've had worse than just a concussion you know, we were quite lucky." he sighed, but lewis shrugged.

"I mean in that car? how low that roof is? I'm shocked the think didn't cave through and crush us." he chuckled, not really lightening the mood.

George rolled his eyes, shivering a bit, Lewis looked down at him, "You cold?"

"A bit," he sighed, he didn't really want to say this but if he stayed out here he was scared he'd freeze, "can we head back-?"

But the older brit was already shuffling his jacket off, "I like it out here, just take this."

He draped the jacket on Georges shoulders, where he slipped his arms in, "thank you." he mumbled, zipping it up while trying not to squeal inside. He knew he had a slight thing for Lewis, but never thought he'd have a chance, so small things like this, meant the world to him.


Carlos and Lando were being the maniacs you see in the sea at -10 degrees, they were on Kimis yacht since he couldn't care less what they were doing, he had one two many vodkas the night before.

"Please Carlos! last time we went in the sea we ended up in tears I dont want that to be the last time we ever go in," Lando snickered, begging the spaniard as he cringed too his arm.

"Cariño its freezing, you'll die in that water." he chuckled, looking down at the brit and planting a gentle kiss on his head.

"You said that last time! plus it was night then! it was even colder!"

Carlos sighed, looking at landos face, that stupid puppy eye look always got to him, "Fine!"

"Yay!" Lando exclaimed, pushing Carlos in with a big splash, he started laughing his ass off while Carlos was trying to see past his soaked hair.

"Lando!" He yelled, reaching on to the yacht and grabbing his hand, making him tumble in to.

"Noo I had my expensive sunglasses on!" Lando whined, grabbing on to Carlos' shoulder to hold himself up, looking around but they were long gone.

"Ill buy you a new pair, come here." Carlos grabbed hold of Lando by the waist, pulling him in as he crashed their lips together, breaking the kiss for a brief moment, "No tears, promise?"

"No tears, I  promise." he smiled, "Darling."

"cariño sounds so much better." Carlos chuckled, cupping the brits face, "Darling sound too George like."

"What do I call you then?" he had a glistening look in his eye, not tears like last time, more like a spark.

"Whatever you want." the smile that never left Carlos' face just grew bigger, "Love? babe? Boyfriend?"

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