New Beginnings

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The FIA sorted everything, so finally everyone could breathe. But seb didn't know whether he made a good choice not changing his and Kimis photo, was it causing more drama? the hurricaines, the car crash, Jos, pool party, the paparazzi, I mean it was safe to say the F1 household had a lot of drama over their heads.

3:03 the alarm clock besides his bed read.

He debated waking Kimi up, he'd been sat up for almost an hour too anxious to sleep, scared a fan would pop around the corner with a camera, or be peeping through the blinds of their bedroom. But his boyfriend slept so peacefully, so peaceful it seemed illegal to wake him up.

Getting out of his bed he crept into the hall, slowly closing the door and walked to the kitchen getting jumpscared by someone on the stairs, "Shit!"

It was Charles, "Christ seb you scared me!" he whisper shouted.

"What are you doing up?" he asked the monegasque, who didn't reply and looked at the floor.

"Can't sleep." he walked past the German and headed to the kitchen, where seb followed.

"What is it because  of really?" he smiled, leaning on the island watching Charles grab a can of coke and cracking the lid open, "Also that won't help you sleep either."

"Like I would anyway," he sighed, leaning on the opposite side to seb, giving in, "Max apologised to me."

Seb frowned a grin, "And why is that bad?"

"I don't like it, it makes me feel like sick, and I apologised back and everything!" his hands covered his face, like he was embarrassed or something, "When he hated me at least I knew something about, you know us two."

Seb noticed something about what Charles was saying, "What is going on with you two?"

"I dont know! Like one minute I could hit him across the face but when Jos came barging in and Max came to my room it was like I didn't want him to leave!" Charles shouted, slamming his hands across his mouth when he realised he was being quite loud for 3 am.

Sebastians smile was from ear to ear now with realisation, laughing lowly with giddiness but Charles face just made him want to burst into laughter, "Char, " he laughed again, "You like him dont you?"

"I do not!"

"You so do!" he couldn't help but shake his head in shock, the boy that had a raging hate for Max was suddenly falling for him, "I can't believe it!"

Charles was blushing like mad now, rolling his eyes.

Seb was about to ramble on about how he saw it coming, and how everyones gonna go mad about all the drama. But then the drama its self walked in. Max came into the kitchen.

"Why are you guys screaming?" he asked, grabbing a red bull out of the fridge, "and why is Charles bright red?"

"I am not!" he said, moving his hands away and staring at the marble island in front of him.

It was awkwardly quiet, but seb couldn't help but laugh, getting a stern look from the monegasque.

"What's going on?" max laughed, Charles gave the German the biggest death stare, but h already had the memo long before.

"Just a funny joke."

"Yeah." Charles sighed, giving it a low laugh and Max shrugged, walking off but seb stopped him.

"Have you even been to sleep in the past two days?" he frowned, the dutchman looked up, thinking.

"I dont know." he gave an upside down smile, again attempting to leave but seb snatched his red bull.

"I couldn't care less if you get these for free, go to sleep."


Later that night Charles was sneaking back upstairs, wearing his black and grey chequered pj bottoms and a white top that didn't fit perfectly because he left it in the dryer for too long, but when he reached the top step he noticed something, or someone.

Max was sat outside his door, on the landing staring at his phone, "Max?"

his head shot up, he looked sleep deprived, "Oh hey."

"Why you out here?"Charles asked, looking down at the dutchman, who shrugged after dropping his phone on the floor, "What?"

"..a spider?" he said, pretty unconvincingly.

"You used to catch spiders for lando when we stayed in Australia last year, what is it?"

Max sighed, not wanting to say the real reason, "Fine, my balcony door has no curtains."

Charles frowned, but max carried on talking, "And.. im scared my dads out there."

He wanted to laugh but knew he shouldn't, why did it seem that Max was more scared of his dad taking a photo of him than being outside in a storm.

"Well hes not going to take a photo after what happened, hell hes probably fucked off back to the Netherlands." Charles sat down beside him, leaning on the thin peice of walls between the two doors.

"He wouldn't have done without me."

He looked at Max, who was either 2 seconds away from a mental breakdown or dozing off, "Its the reason he came looking for me, he wants to take me back there to control me again."

He watched the boys eyes fill with tears, but his hand wiped them away before they could fall, so Charles spoke, "that's why he took the photos didn't he?"

Max just nodded, sniffling. Charles didn't like seeing him like this, it felt so forgien for how he usually acts, or how hes said to act. So he sat up, shuffling over to max on his knees he wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging him. He accepted the embrace and pulled him closer, "What am I supposed to do Charles?"

He cried into his shoulder, not a sob, it was almost like he was scared if he showed that much emotion he'd seem weak, Charles tucked his chin near his neck, "I dont know Max." he whispered, "But you need to go to sleep."

"What if he-" he went to ramble in tear but he stopped him, knowing it wouldn't help.

"Shh," he spoke softly, "I know. he won't, I promise"

When he could tell max had calmed down, he broke away from the hug, "Max, look at me."

They made eye contact.

"Go to sleep, please." he smiled, the way his once rival was looking at him made his heart skip a beat, or two.

He nodded a reply , how Charles managed to not blush once... was shocking.


Morning came and it was normal, food fights and laughter, so it was safe to say march was the reset they all needed, maybe it didn't quite work for seb and max though.


Chapters keep getting shorter its annoying me ☹️

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