Double date!?

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"Oscar i need your help." Carlos banged on oscar's door, slamming his fists on the wood desperately.

"Oh my god Carlos it's 7am!"  the aussie whined, clambering out of his bed and slipping on a pair of funky slippers he and logan had matching off. Opening his bedroom door to see a nervous looking Carlos, "What's up?"'

"Can we talk?" he asked, Oscar nodded and moved aside, not bothering to ask what it was about, and let him enter his room, "You have to promise to not tell anyone."

Oscar frowned, it sounded serious, like something someone like Kimi or Seb should help him with. it was a bit strange to him why Carlos came to him, "Promise,"

"Okay well.." he fiddled with his hands in his lap as the pair sat perched on the australians bed, who was watching with anticipation, wanting to know what he had to say, "I think i like Lando."

Oscar squealed, slamming his hands over his mouth when he realised how loud that was, still giddy with excitement, "No way!"

"Shhh!" carlos hissed, cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and his head in his hands.

"I so saw this coming oh my god!" Oscar's smile was beaming, "Logan owes me 100 dollars now."

"Your a millionaire 100 quid doesn't matter!" Carlos groaned in his hands, regretting going to oscar immediately.


"Well i still need your help." The spaniard sighed, taking his hands away and looking over at his friend, maybe enemy if he doesn't shut up sooner or later.

"Anything!" Oscar jumped eagerly at the .

"I want to ask him on a date." Carlos put it blankly, having to shush oscar before he said anything else or squealing again, "But! he won't go alone with me, he'll get shy and i just don't know how to go about it!"

"Lando? shy?"

"Well i asked him what we were in the van yesterday, he just sort of cuddled me and ignored the question." Carlos sounded a little diffused now, "What if he says no to me asking him?"

Oscar put a hand on the shoulder of his friend, feeling a bit of sympathy for him, "I have an idea."

Carlos was scared now, his idea could range from having a cute little surprise date to kidnapping lando to disney land as a date, "What?"

"Double date!" he exclaimed, "I'll get logan to be my fake date or something."

The boy who looked scared and sad two minutes ago now looked at Oscar like he was a god, "Really? you'd do that for me?"

"Yeah! Just depends if logan will pretend... Also we'd just have to say 'things' with me and him didn't work out and we want to stay as friends, you and lando get a date, Logan and i stay friends with no awkwardness and boom! it's perfect." Oscar explained, Carlos couldn't help but grin.

"but where would we have the date ?" he asked, Oscar stared forward, having a think.

"The beach? a restaurant?" he suggested but carlos shook his head, as if to say it was too simple.

"What about a yacht? Kimi has a big one and we can go at night?" he shrugged with a smile, as if saying he liked his suggestion.

"Only if theirs music, i don't wanna have to act lovey dovey with logan in silence." he laughed, and almost as if it was on cue, logan knocked on the door, walking in without waiting for oscar to let him in.

"I keep hearing my name what are you gossiping about?" logan frowned, his hair was a bit mess and stuck up from where he'd been sleeping.

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