Episode 1: My First Spanking (Dakota)

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Dakota Demarious looked at her friend in what could only be called pure disbelief at what she had just told her. "No way, absolutely not, there is no way that is true!" Her dark honey golden eyes turned off of her pink haired friend, and over to a boy who was chatting with a few friends of his. He was not the tallest, maybe average height, he had average looking arms and face, dark brown skin maybe a few shades darker than her own. She felt her face flush a bit more as she turned back to her friend. "You are trying to tell me that he." She gulped a bit and lowered her voice just a bit, embarrassed to even be saying what she was about to say. "He spanks girls on campus, and they are okay with that?!"

Evelyn Masters felt her face flush a bit as she slowly nodded her head yes. "It is true if you believe that or not, but I heard from my older sister, and she said that one of her friends went to him, and well I saw something at soccer practice you won't believe." The blond girl turned to look at the boy who seemed to be laughing pretty hard at something before pushing his friend in a friendly way. "His name is Alphonse I think, he is on the volleyball and baseball team I think."

Dakota looked back at the boy unable to truly take her eyes off him for a moment. It was hard to believe that such a kindhearted young man was into those types of activities. Dakota had long since been interested in the idea of spankings. Her parents never believe in corporal punishment, something about how it damaged kids growing up or that it was barbaric. However she would never forget a certain line of one of her favorite books growing up. "Young Ally could only cry as her father's large hand swatted her skirt-covered rump, one, twice, and then three times." It was one line in a book that sent her into a rabbit hole of sites on the subject. Some being from porn, others being forums like reddit and others of people talking about it, she really wanted one but had no idea how to even go about it.

Now her friend had heard the latest drama or rather had seen something in the locker rooms today. According to her friend, last night at soccer practice. A girl had come in late and a bit teary eyed. While she was getting dressed everyone could make out her bright red backside and as they questioned her about it. She said it was not her parents but rather that it was a student. This alongside what her friend's sister had told her was starting to make a lot more sense. It did wonders if fueling the fire that her, corporal punishment research, as she often explained to her mom back home. After all there were only two ways she could explain why her search history one day was filled with articles on the subject.

And one she could not bring herself to admit to her mother.

"So how does that work?" Dakota asked. "Does he just drag you away to a private place and wallop on your butt or something. Do you meet at his house? How does that work?"

"I have no idea," Evelyn answered as her face took on a scarlett hue. "It is rumored that he does them after school for like an hour or something before volleyball club starts. Some even says he does it during our lunch hour. Which can't be true cause." Her friend looked back over her shoulder at the boy. "He is sitting right there."

Dakota couldn't quite keep her eyes off the boy now. Mostly on his hands and just the thought of those hands swatting her rump, giving her the experience she had been waiting too long for was starting to fill her mind up with new found excitement. "I-It's probably just a rumor," she concluded as she went back to her lunch. "A rumor that I want to prove sooner rather than later." She thought to herself.

Room 206 was an older classroom here at her large academy. The newer model was built alongside the older model connecting both sides of this school academy. Some of the older classrooms on the first floor were still in use but the 2nd floor was abandoned and the floors were made of creaky old wood. The walls a matching color, it was honestly kinda scary to walk these long since abandoned halls. Every creak made Dakota believe that someone was walking behind her, ready to snatch her up at a moment's notice. However, she had done a lot of spying on conversations to find this classroom out to chicken out.

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