Episode 8-A (Lucy): A Day at The Beach: Understanding A Spanker.

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Lucy Thorton let out a sigh of pure relief as she finally was able to lay back in the sand. It was a rare Saturday that the sun and wind seemed to have mercy on the city. The fall usually brought colder weather in the late stages of October. However Lucy was sure that the entire town was surprised as they woke up with beautiful nearly 85 degree weather, and much like her. Everyone seemed to have the same idea, this might be the last time to enjoy the warm water of the coastal city beach. The 18 year old senior had spent most of the summer working as she got ready to begin college. She had enough to get some scholarship money, but she wanted to have a good chuck in her savings just in case.

So she got her towel, got on the best bathing suit that she had that made her thick strong legs look even stronger, her perky backside look even better and her larger breasts look like two pillows. Lucy was lucky that today she could spend it by herself, she knew the rest of the girl's volleyball team were on the far side of the beach to go and try and control the court for as long as they could. Of course the starting middle blocker was invited to come with them but she wanted to relax by herself. Without the freshman that had a million questions, without the violent lioness Zara who honestly seemed to be a bit more chill now. She also was not in the mood to deal with her best friend and very bossy captain Brittney.

However, the call of the sport she loved came halfway through her book. A certain ball came to a stop against her thigh. "A little help?" She looked at the dark yellow and blue volleyball and followed the source of the voice, to a boy that had a pretty interesting reputation on campus.

The boy's starting setter, and the infamous spanker of the girl's backside.

Alphonso Lewis.

The boy jogged over to her, wearing a deep green pair of trunks. His shoulders were a bit wet from the water, probably having gone for a dip in the waves before he began to play. He was shorter than her at 5'7 but without his shoes Lucy had a feeling he was more like 5'6. A solid built with a rounder stomach than she honestly expected, not overweight but as fit as a few of the other boys that had walked past her so far. She reached over with a long hand and tossed him back his ball. "Sorry about that," he said, catching it in one hand.

"No problem." Lucy looked past the boy and towards the duo court that already had a pretty intense game going between two teams one being a boy and girl. One of them she recognized as a snotty little freshman girl, Suzy Lee who really needed to get her attitude in check. The other was another freshman, a boy who was also on the boys team, Mason Todd, another one that was giving the boy's team a bit of trouble. He wanted to be the ace of the team but it was hard to compete with their team's mad dog. "Do you have next?"

Alphonso looked back at the court. "Yeah I have next but it seems my partner has had other plans, Zara is on the other side of the beach to go play six on six."

Lucy stood up to her feet, standing at nearly 6'4 in height, the 3rd tallest girl in the school. She dusted a bit of sand off her thighs and walked over to the boy. "I'm in." she heard her hand out to the boy. "Lucy Thorton or what some might call the iron wall, or the gatekeepers of the leviathans." She rolled her eyes a bit at the nickname one of the girl's who was more into anime had given her one day.

"Alphonso, the not so famous setter of the boy's volleyball team." He had a strong grip, his hand feeling a bit thicker than she had expected. "Nice to meet you," there was something about those deep brown eyes of his that was so calm.

Lucy gave him another smile before walking over to the court. The look on little Suzy's face brought a slight smirk spreading across Lucy's face. "We have next, just know that." As they waited for the game to finish. Lucy found herself sitting down in the much warmer sand beside the boy who had probably spanked more butts than he had recorded spikes this season. Lucy remembered how her Scottish captain, Brittney, had once come to her house sporting a bright red backside. It was odd when she recalled that the girl was 18 years old and doubted that her parents still would spank her. Upon asking, she had simply said that it was complicated and said that Alphonso Lewis had done it.

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