Season 2 Episode 5A: Turning A Queen into A Maid Abby Lincoln

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A beautiful lioness, a sexy hyena, the powerful queen of the sophomores, an uptight bitch, a man stealing snake of a girl. Those were just some of the many nicknames that were said about Abby Lincoin. Her influence among the girls of her grade, and even the boys to some extent is what made her a pretty popular young lady. Richer than most might assume at first glance, smarter than some later would assume, she held herself with a strength and aura to her that made some think twice before trying something with her. It was her influence that let her help one of her closest friends on this planet.

Alphonso Lewis, the school's famed setter, and he was known for another reason.

He was the only boy that she would ever let spank her backside.

Now Abby had to admit that of all her nicknames an uptight flirty bitch was probably the closet one to her personality sometimes. She could not help herself if someone bothered her the easiest way to get back at them was to flirt with their boyfriend. Show off some things that they might not have in the front or the back. It was this behavior that got her a new friend, a girl named Trinity whom while they started on the wrong foot. They were now great friends, and she had other friends too that she truly loved and cared about. Such as Carolina Cobb and Madison Row. If she took things a bit too far she could trust in their guidance to get her to stop doing it, or she could trust that Alphonso could help her snap out of it. Most of her bitchiness came from her relationship with her mother. A mother that was far more timid and soft on her than other girls' mothers might be. Abby was used to getting what she wanted, and it was easy to get what she wanted from her mom. However, there were times when Abby did feel terrible for things she said to her mother, or when she would just not do as she asked.

It was that guilt that made her mess with other girls, and boys alike. With her popularity it was easy to get a few rumors started here or there, or just say things that her other "friends" would just believe as fact. However, when she went too far, she could count on Alphonso to simply whisper, or text her one statement. "We need to talk."

And when he said talk, he might spank, and it was not quite the spanking that some might think it would be. Now Abby liked the idea of spankings, she found it interesting, but she didn't like hard ones. Her large rump was extremely sensitive and did not take hard spanks that well. Which was why she had to cheat to even stand a chance in that stupid contest she had with her three closest friends a few weeks ago. (See episode 11-C for her attempt) So instead her more punishment sessions from the boy were more to humble her, to warm up her rump but also make her much more embarrassed.

And she had no problem doing that, since he also knew a secret about her that no one else seemed to know. As powerful as she seemed, as strong as she looked, as much as she seemed like a sexy black queen. In reality... she was very much a submissive type. She had taken a test that Trinity had given her, her results were that of a submissive type of girl. Her closest friends, her true friends, knew this, and she knew what their results were as well. Trinity was a brat, Madiosn was a masochist, and Carolina was submissive as well, but not to the extent that Abby was. And Abby knew that sometimes she needed a proper dom to put her back in that submissive place, and that helped her a lot to be a bit more humble. When you are put on a pedestal like a queen, and as fierce as a lion. Sometimes being taken down was just what she needed to turn her back to normal.

Abby was sitting at a lunch table with her other friends, mostly a group of girls that liked her for her beauty, influence, and some that were more into the money she had more than anything else. "Abby," one of those girls, a dark blue hair and blue eyed girl tapped her shoulder. "Your friend is coming over." She pointed towards a certain average height boy with hands as hard as steel.

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