Season 2 Episode 3A: A Little Thief Learns a Hard Lesson. (Sylivia)

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Sylivia Gill had something eating against her heart and against her mind for a very long time now, and it was bothering her more than she could handle now. She was what many might call a child genius, since she was a little girl she grew smarter and smarter, straight A in all of her subjects including gym class. She had many different inventions that she was working on and trying to get patents for. Sylivia was truly a rarity in her family, her folks doing their best to support her but they didn't have a lot of money. Sometimes bills went a bit overdue, sometimes the lights went off for a day while her mom and dad struggled to put together the money they needed. She didn't have the newest clothes as money was spent on what they needed, rather than what she wanted. So when this 13 year old entered her first year of high school, being allowed to skip a grade and head right to 9th grade. She had come up with a plan to help her parents, she was very smart and probably would be able to skip sophomore year and go right to her junior year if things went well. So she would be a tutor for some of the more rich students, making a pretty nice penny doing that well.

However, that was not what was eating at this young lady. No, she was on her way to see a certain dark skinned setter that was good with his hands in more ways than one, for another reason. Sylivia was a kleptomaniac, and it was that condition that led her to not only stealing from these richer kids, but she was also now starting to steal from their parents. It had started when she was a little girl and would take tiny toys from the dollar store her mom used to go to. Then candies, tiny books she would slip under her shirt and walk out with. She knew how to remove stickers and tags to just walk out the store. She would often fake losing her parents to get taken to the back so she could make a small lay out of the cameras of the store. To see what blind spots there were so she would never get caught.

If she did get caught, a good show of waterworks always got her off scott free. Using that trick, and her cries of. "My parents don't have much money, I didn't know what else to do!" Usually were enough to melt the hearts of those that caught her. She felt bad doing that but not bad enough to stop feeding her need for more. That need is what made her one day look into one of these kids wallets, this boy was very nice to her. However, would he notice two hundred dollars missing from his wallet? Probably not, after all he had a lot of money there and used it from his collections, and high tech computers. He could get more right?

It was that justification she used to keep on stealing from these kids. To learn how credit cards worked so she could take just enough without anyone noticing. To taking some small jewelry from some kids and have a friend of hers sell them to pawn shops, for a 60:40 trade off between them. It was these tactics that helped her afford some new items for her inventions, as well as a new laptop, and the rest went to her mom and dad. Life was getting much better, and thanks to that her dad was able to focus a bit more on work, and was expecting a promotion. One that would raise his pay much more than they were making now, and her mother was expecting a big raise as well. Things were gonna get better, and she was happy about that.

However, this was starting to weigh on her heart. She knew right from wrong, and she knew that should not be doing this. It wasn't really fair, and things came to a head, when she was helping quite possibly her best friend and practically her big sister. Belle Lee (See Episode 5 I believe or The Little Adventures of Belle and Sarah if you want more on her). Belle was the one that really made her feel comfy at high school. Sylivia was the youngest of everyone in the school and the smallest. So being here was scary, however Belle Lee was right by her side from day one. The senior girl had taken her under her wing, introduced her to good friends in the freshman class, and introduced her to some girls in the senior class that would keep her safe. One creepy boy had tried to do a few things with her once, however after telling Belle. That boy had a very long conversation with the seniors of the football team. He never bothered her again after that.

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