Episode 12-C: The Littlespace Adventures of Belle and Misty.

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If Belle and Misty were both being truly honest. This was probably the most fun they had had in their spaces in a very long time. Having a CG that was willing to actually do something if they were a bit more naughty than usually was part of the reason. It felt like having a real daddy to watch and take care of them. Misty found that he was a boy of his word and had no problem punishing her in the back seat of his large car. After a very nice movie and they headed home, Belle also discovered that her naptime was not up for today and ended up taking it with a slightly warm rump. While Belle slept on her tummy Misty spent that time doing what she loved and did best when she was both a little and big. Drawing picture after picture but letting her small mind wander more and more as she did. Her drawings ranging from gardens and meadows, to oceans filled with fish of all colors, deep forests of animals. Her hands became messy from a mix of crayons, colored pencils and the watercolor paints she had brought with her. She was more than happy when her daddy came back with a much larger poster board, and after taking the proper precautions to make sure the carpet did not get any paint on it. He helped her do a tiny bit of finger painting, that one being held outside to dry in the cold winds that were blowing.

When Belle woke up from her nap, a bit pouty that she missed all the painting. They spent a good chunk of the evening just playing together, under the watchful eye of Alphonso who mostly sat off to the side reading or watching TV. However, he was always quick to join in the fun when they asked him too. He even did up their hair, Belle being put up into small pigtails and he seemed to have cracked the code of Misty's very curly red hair getting to straighten out enough that she could put them into her own set of pony tails. Dinner came with their daddy showing off a bit of his cooking skills wiping up an impressive meal for them. He even got the baby carrots that Belle looked on with distaste to taste really good, coating them in a small bit of honey. Afterwards came bathtime, well more of shower time where for just a moment as they were starting to pull on pajamas. Belle for the first time since all of this started broke out of her small space for a moment. "What did you think?" She asked looking towards her taller and arguable closest friend who was just pulling up her soft brown pajama pants that went with the cute brown shirt she was wearing.

Misty took a small breath escaping her own space as well. "Honestly... this was more fun than I could have imagined. How did you meet Alphonso again?"

Belle pulled her baby blue nightgown over head. "I met him from hearing that rumor about him, I thought that it was worth looking into. You know that with my parents they never even thought of doing that to me, and my love for the melody series only made me want it more. He was the first one to not look at me as weird or as some weird Loli from anime. I could be a regular person with him and that meant a lot to me. I saw him about five times off and on when I could and then maybe a month ago I asked if he was willing to do something like this with me. I thought that he would call me a freak and just end our friendship. However, he accepted and now you are here too... maybe we should invite Nina one day. Maybe seeing him in action would give her the courage to do something similar one day."

"So we would have a momma and daddy for a day?" Misty said, thinking that honestly could be a pretty fun one day.

"It would be nice to have another friend to do this stuff with." Belle remarked. "A day is gonna come when either we graduate and no longer will be able to do this with him, or he finds a girlfriend."

"Why does he plan on stopping if he does?" Her friend's slight nod sent waves of disappointment starting to run through her body. "Seriously?"

Belle once again nodded her head. "I don't blame him, I doubt his girlfriend would be willing to let him do all of this with other girls, and I don't think he would be the type to do that either. I mean you have seen how much of a gentlemen he is."

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