Season Two Synopsis

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At New Dawn High School, in the heart of coast City. There is a boy whose reputation on, and off the court has made him very famous with the girls at the high school. Alphonso Lewis, is the school star setter for the volleyball club, and he is also the spanker of bottoms across the school. WHatever spanking you want, for whatever reason you need it, he is the one to go too. However, while he is a fairly good spanker, and friend, he is not really interested in romance. Or that was so he thought, as now it seems seven girls have their eyes set on the young man, from old friends and new friends. In a few months it is gonna be Winter's Dawn Dance, join us as seven girls do what they have to get this boy go to the dance with them. Some use charm, others use cheats, others use his love for spanking to gain more favor with him, but what if none of them had truly asked their friend. 

What does he want. 

And join even more new friends, and past favorites as more girls come to the boy for the spanking that they trust only he can give. 

14 episodes, 

Split into two parts for each episode. 

28 spanking stories filled with fun. 

I'm back. 

Tales of A School Spanker Season 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now