Episode 11-C: A Spanking Contest: Cheat and Charm will Win.

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Abby Lincoin was what many girls would consider a flirty little snake or some might just call her a straight up bitch. Abby had moved to Coast city when she was a freshman in High School after her father had gotten a new job. She had lost all of her friends back in Portland and that had taken a toll on her for a while. So she did what she did best and worse and took it out on a few others. A bit of teasing here, a bit of getting girls in trouble for things she did in secret, being a bit more flirty with other boys in front of their girlfriends and causing chaos were just a few things in her arsenal. A lot of things changed when one girl dared to stand up to her, a small flat chested African American girl that wanted to fight her for things she had said. She never would have expected that girl would become one of her closest friends afterwards, and took her to see her friend Alphonso Lewis. She let the girl convince her that she needed a good spanking that day, and that was how she ended up over his knee getting her large round rump spanked over her shorts.

Since then she had stayed on her best behavior as it was common for the boy to whisper in her ear. "We need to talk, during lunch or after school." If any new bad rumors made it to his ear since they probably started from something she did. She even went to see the boy to feed her more personal need for a soft spanking every now and then when she was frustrated with herself and wanted to escape her complicated home life. Dad was always working, her momma was more of a friend than a mom, her oldest sister and her mother often ended up coming to blows and her daddy was too tired to really care. So sometimes just being over his knee and letting her mind relax and calm down was enough. Hell unknowingly to her now favorite group of true friends in Madison, Trinity and Carolina. She sometimes spent the night at the boy's house in his guest room when things got a bit too loud at her own home. His mother, Mrs. Lewis loved her very much, and his two sisters saw her as the much cooler older siblings.

She owned Alphonso a lot and his more kind actions helped her stop being the bitch she used to be. Of course she still found a few ways to make things easier for herself, cheating on a test here, doing a bit more dirty acts in secret when she played soccer, or basketball, and even softball. However, she knew that if she was caught then it would get her what she needed in her life. A good old fashioned spanking, she was not the best at taking hard spankings either, which put her at a disadvantage in this little contest here. The winner won the right to take Alphonso to a concert coming up for his favorite artist. What happened after the concert was up to them, if it ended up with maybe a romance blossoming into a relationship, then that was okay for all of them. However, the risk of that not happening was too much of a risk for Abby. So she had a few steps in place to try and maybe win this little bet of theirs.

She was known as the kind but cunning serpent for a reason.

IT was time to live up to her name, she would use every part of her charm to at least get the boy to spank a bit softer. She could already see that Madison had left an effect on him, and the extra pair of lighter fitting panties that she had on would at least buy her some time for a bit. However, she also knew how hard Alphonso could spank even if it was not for a punishment. So even that extra pair of panties might not save her. However, if she could get the boy flustered then she had a chance. To survive 8 minutes in total.

Abby walked forward and slipped herself across Alphonso's lap. Making sure that her backside lingered a bit in the air so he could get a good look at it. One of the straps of her thin tank top slipped down off her shoulder, giving him a good look the other strap of her lacy purple bra. "Sorry," she said in a soft voice as pulled the strap up and wiggled a bit more into position. She could see a bit of sweat forming on the boy's brow as he gazed down at her impressive rear end. One of her best features beside her own boobs.

"It's okay," Alphonso said as he pulled her a bit more into his lap. His hand came to rest on her pajama short covered bottom and gave it a few pats. She let out forced yelp and moan mixture as he started frimly spank her over her tight green shorts, not as short as Trinity's but they hugged every part of her female curves. Her eyes closed for a moment as she rested her chin on her elbows, just enjoying the feeling of his hand coming down on her rump. From left to right, right and left, right to center that sent waves running through not only her backside but her entire body. She so certain that only this boy could truly get to relax from such a rough but still mild spanking. However, judging from the reactions of Trinity and Madison, she knew that she was in for a ride, even so she had a plan. She knew it was a risk if she got caught, because that might end up with her actually getting a punishment as it would be seen as dishonest, and with her group of kind hearted friends that helped her be a better person in many ways. There was no way she would get out of cheating without a truly sore rump.

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