Season 2 Episode 4A: An Interview with A Spanker Pt 2

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After a much needed ten minute break, to both steady her mind as well as prepare her backside for five more spankings. She restarted her camera, a bit annoyed that now she had more editing to do, and eased back into her seat. Her bottom was gonna hate her for the days or so, but this after spanking warmth did feel kinda nice right. Through her eyes scanned the last five items on that table, all that might change that idea. Suddenly her choice of underwear was starting to look like a heavy mistake. "Maybe I should have worn something more protective." She mumbled to herself, however she wanted a decent experience and wanted to give her readers and viewers a proper explanation of how it felt to be swatted on her bare rump by this man. However, she sat up straight and after another five second countdown she asked. "So Alphonso, you told me you have little sisters, and a very nice mother. I should know, she was the nurse when I got very sick last year, and she is amazing. It was like having a second mother, however I gotta ask. All this spanking business, and all the stuff you do here? Does your family know this or are you keeping this from them?" (Thank you Vanewolf29 for your question)

Alphonso got a bit embarrassed before answering. "Well I can answer the first part because it is very simple. As the older brother with a very busy mother, I can spank my little sister's if she calls me and says she will not be back to do it. However, it is nothing like the ones I give here. Much softer, much longer hugs, there is a difference when I have to do that to them and anyone else. Granted I think I am so soft on them, that they would rather beg my mom to let me do it rather than face her when she comes home. As for whether my mom knows... she does and she doesn't. She caught me a long time ago with a friend of mine, the first one I used to spank, over my lap, bare bottom, and presided to beat the hell out of both of us not really understanding what was happening. I was 14 at the time, so she thought that maybe my big cousins had put something in my head to get me to start having." He coughed into his hand. "Let's just say she had the wrong idea, and the next day she took me out to my favorite restaurant and we had a very long conversation to say the least."

"And what was that conversation about?" Lola asked. "If it is too personal, then we can move onto the next question."

"No it is fine," Alphonso said, as he took a deep breath. "It was not that bad of a conversation, however I did have to explain why I was doing what I was doing. And I told her that I always had an interest in doing that, I told her about my interest, and she seemed to understand. A few of her questions I will not go into, but I can say that she was not horrified at me or anything like that. Just wanted to make sure that I wasn't venturing into places that I was not ready to go. And then had a birds and the bees talk that I am still trying to forget." He said with a small chuckle and blushing cheeks. "The only other members of my family that know anything are a few cousins back home. However, as far as I am concerned my mother doesn't know what I do at school. Even if she did, I don't think she would murder me for it."

"Have you ever wanted to tell her about your secret after school activity?"

"Explain to my mother that I give spankings to girls at this school?" Alphonso's eyes widened a bit at that. "While I don't think she would murder me, I am ninety percent sure she might not be happy about it."

"Okay than," Lola said, than her eyes wandered onto the few switches that she had taken at first great pride in making herself. It took only a quick youtube search to find one, however now the thought of those kissing her rear end was now making her regret just how good she did with them. "So before I take a taste of what a switch is like. How many girls actually ask for that all of all items... and does not count as one of my last four questions."

Alphonso rolled his eyes. "I know, and to answer your question it is a lot more rare than any item I have used. However, there are a few county girls here or there that want something that is familiar to them."

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