Chapter 10-B: A Halloween Trick Leads To A Spanked Tail. (Dottie)

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A/N: So A bit of a change in what I had planned originally this chapter was gonna have the return of Little Jiang from chapter 7-A but I wanted to save that one for season 2 of this series. So instead we are gonna follow a brand new girl who Halloween pranks has gotten her in trouble with an older woman who happens to know our beloved school spanker.

To Dottie Simpson, what was the best part of the halloween? Was it the free candy that would give her strong sweet tooth enough candy to survive till December? Was it being able to go to school wearing a cute costume all day or even walking around at night with the costume on? Was it helping her mother pass out candy for the first hour of the day before being sent off to go have fun? All of those were good answers, however to Dottie Simpson, the best part of Halloween were the tricks that also came with the treats.

Dottie was a very good prankster if she did say so herself. All from the classics such as the good old kick me sign, or the occasional whoopie cushion. SHe played them on anyone that caught her eyes, ranging from the uptight seniors to the more shy freshmen girls like herself. She targeted anything that had two legs and two arms. Everyone was fair game to her, she even got a good one on the principle that nearly got her suspended, however her second best weapon that always got her out of trouble. Were a good old pair of puppy dog eyes, and crocodile tears. It had saved her from her mother's wrath as she could never bring herself to punish her cute little girl. Her daddy was not so easily tricked but with him being back in England for six months for business. Her pranks were back in full force and halloween was the night she planned to get revenge on a mean old woman that she very much had a bad perception of.

To Dottie, Mrs. Webb was a mean and nasty old woman that hated her ever since she moved into the neighborhood. She didn't like the British girl for her more activity and naughty acts around the neighborhood and at school in class. She had gotten the girl grounded by her momma for something she did at the park in Coast City. It was not Dottie's fault that a little boy wanted to mess with the queen of pranks, and ended up falling for a trick that got him covered in water. There was also the time she had convinced the principal that Dottie had to spend three days after school helping the janitor clean the school after one of her pranks ended up giving the old man a bit more work to do. Every time she was having fun, it seemed that Mrs. Webb was determined to see her punished for her actions.

"Everyone is okay with a good joke here or there, but there is a difference between a joke and being straight up cruel!" She had scolded one time. Mrs. Webb was the freshman religious teacher, she taught a course on every worldly religion and as much as Dottie hated admitting it, she did enjoy the class.

However, she put her joy aside as crept out of her hiding spot behind the woman's large brushes. Her house was on the end of the street, her catlike blue eyes locking onto her prey as Mrs. Webb stepped out of her house for what was probably gonna be the last time tonight. Her large bowl of candy looked empty as she gave the last few pieces to a little boy in a spiderman costume. Dottie ducked back into her bush as she looked at the classic equipment she had gathered, eggs, towel paper, spray paint. She had planned this day out for nearly a week, so that when this was all over it would not come back to her. Her pearly white dress that went down to her upper thighs, the large blue cat tail she had on, a pair of blue cat ears and a white cat mask, would give her the stealth of a cat so she did not get caught.

She was prepared for everything in the world. Until a voice whispered in her ear from beside her. "What are you doing Dottie?"

A sharp scream filled the air as she spun around to see the worst case scenario both for her stealth and even worse for her poor backside. Alphonso Lewis, the famed setter was kneeling behind her. He was wearing a dark black suit, a large black cape and she could see in his mouth was a pair of vampire teeth that were stained red. Before she could even respond to his question and maybe give some kind of excuse. A flashlight spread over the two of them and when she looked up she could see Mrs. Webb in her wicked witch of the west costume standing in front of them. She was a taller woman at around 6'1, she had silver colored hair and bright silver eyes. Her skin was a bit wrinkled and her face showed signs of age but she still held a beauty to her that was unmatched. "Well it looks like my prediction was right, Alphonso. It looks like we have a naughty little kitten that has come to deface my property."

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