Episode 6-A: A False Rumor and Calm Spanking

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Carolina Cobb was just pulling her cream-colored dress over her head, covering up her cute pink undies and matching bra when she heard some news that made her stop dead in her tracks. "I heard that Alphonso guy is gonna stop giving spankings or something." Carolina slowly turned around to see two older girls, just leaving the showers. Both wrapped in towels, one with dark green hair and the other with vibrant purple.

"Does he actually do that stuff I just thought it was just sex or something?"

"No, I'm telling you I have a friend that went over to him a month ago and she said it is legit. He doesn't do anything unless they say so, says she had a good time, and that he is also a good person to talk to."

"So what is making him want to stop, did he get in trouble or something?"

The girl with dark green hair explained. "I don't think he got into any trouble or anything like that. Just some girl, Jenny or something, has been saying how they are gonna get together or something so she wants no one else to go and see him or anything like that."

"Are they dating?"

"I don't know? She was saying that at practice the other day." Carolina averted her eyes as the girl dropped her towel and started to get dressed. "It's a shame if it was really true. I wanted to try one but I'm not one for getting between a guy and his girl."

"How do you know it is true?"

"I don't know, the way she said it sounded kinda legit."

Carolina quickly put on her black slip ons before leaving the girl's locker room in a bit of a hurry. "It can't be true," she whispered to herself over and over again.

Or rather she really didn't want it to be true.

She didn't want to lose her one and only spanker in the whole wide world.

On the outside Carolina was what many would consider a kind Christian girl. She was the first to help when someone needed it, always willing to serve in any way she could. Her daddy was one of the pastors of Coast City's church, and she was a good student. She didn't get into trouble that much, the worst being when she once stole a single candy bar. However, she was so remorseful for that action that her parents let her off with a warning. She even spent that summer working at that store when she could, and was still friends with the kind old couple that ran it.

However, underneath all of that was an urge that she couldn't quite get rid of. Carolina had found out about the word spanking in a book, and that led to her looking up pictures and full of stories with them. She wanted to try one even if it was just one time and that led her to chase after a rumor about a certain darker skinned boy that helped at her church as well. It also was the start of a very good friendship with the boy. They served together in the church choir and once had a duet together on Christmas. Her on keys and him mostly on vocals. She would see him every once in a while when she felt that she needed something worse for her small misbehaviors. She wasn't perfect and when she felt like she was not the best she could be, or even being the best follower of the lord she loved.

Carolina would go and see a boy with a similar love for spankings and their lord. He was the only person she could go to on this.

And if he was truly gonna stop. Then she at least wanted to get one last one before he turned his attention onto this girlfriend of his. It was a promise they had made together, they didn't see each other as anything else but friends. They both promised that if the day came that either one of them got in a relationship that he would stop spanking her. As not wanting to cheat on the other.

However, he promised that if that day came he would give her one last bottom warming.

So she supposed it was time she went and did just that.

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