S2 Episode 6A: A Sore and Private Workout (Trinity Jackson)

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"Thanks again daddy," a certain light skinned girl with bright brown eyes waved towards her dad's car once more. "I will make sure everything is placed back in place, and will clean up when we are done."

"You better," her rather large and strong father announced from his front seat. "Cause last time I let you use my private gym, you left shit all over the place, and I tore that ass up for making me clean up after you." Trinity felt her cheeks go red especially as one of her close friends. Alphonso stiffened back a chuckle, only to then yelp as she elbowed him in the side. "And Alphonso I wish you luck in that tournament you have coming up."

"T-THank you sir," he said through grunts as he held his side in pain.

Trinity watched as her dad drove away before letting a small sigh, and then nearly leapt out of her skin as a rather hard swat landed on her backside. "Ow!" She whined as she rubbed at her sweatpant covered rump.

"That was for elbowing me," Alphonso replied as he rubbed his side and started to head towards the door of the small but nice looking gym. "Now come and let's get inside," he shivered a bit as snow came down on his exposed shoulders. He was wearing a sleeveless black shirt, and a pair of workout pants. He honestly looked like a model sometimes if he really tried, the long strings of his durag coming down over his shoulders like two long braids. "It is fucking freezing out here."

"I am gonna tell Carolina that you are cursing, and you are gonna owe her more money." She had no idea why her best friend always gave her other best friend a dollar whenever he cursed around her. Trinity walked forward towards the dark doors before unlocking them revealing the inside of her daddy's private gym. One that she had been going to since she was just a little girl. She loved sports, especially track and field, the cheetah of coast city, was her nickname. Her friend Alphonso was known as the general of the court when it came to volleyball. He was now a bit more known as the school spanker, thanks to some interview that he done. She had been his best friend since they had met when his family moved in nearby.

She also held the title of being the first girl that he had even spanked, and it was something that held onto with both embarrassment, and a lot of pride. No one could take that from her. They had been through a lot together, and had made friends, especially their close group of three other girls. Abby, Madison, and Carolina. As well as a few enemies, one of which, Trinity had beaten the breaks off for spreading bad rumors on Alphonso. They also shared another moment when Alphonso's mother had given them both a rather hard whooping with her belt when she stumbled upon her over Alphonso's knee. Trinity still was happy that his mother never told her own parents about that day, or Alphonso might be dead, no one could have stopped her father.

She loved her friend more than friendship, and it would make her day if Alphonso became her boyfriend, but she also knew that her other best friends loved him as well. The war was on as they all seemed to be trying to spend nice one on one time with the boy. Their plan to settle this with a spanking contest (see episode 10 I believe if you wanna read those four parts) and the winner would take him to a concert didn't go as planned. And now some Dakota girl was in this war as well, so now they were all competing with each other to win the boy's heart and take him to an upcoming school dance.

It was hard to compete with her friends in this. Not because they were being mean to each other, if anything they were encouraging each other. If one of them became Alphonso's girlfriend that was not gonna stop their friendship. No, it was hard to compete with them because in Trinity's mind she had nothing physically to make the boy fall in love with her. She had seen all of her friends in the shower room at school. She knew their personalities quite well, they were all as close as sisters.

Abby was far more mature in her features than any one of them, she could be kinda bitchy sometimes but at least not to Trinity and her true friends. She was also far more submissive than someone would guess from the way she acted around school. Hell, just the other day she had been a maid for Alphonso as punishment for some of her actions. Abby loved softer, more mild spankings, and she knew that she could take them for a very long time. Probably why Alphonso liked spanking her so much.

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