Episode 9-B: A Very Bad Day of Being Late (Shaquira Price 2)

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It had officially been three weeks since a certain 15 year old girl who happened to be extremely hyper and very much a sporty girl. Had been put in the care of Alphonso Lewis, an idea that had started from a girl she very much saw as a big sister, Melessa Davis. The hope was that little Shaquira Price would, under the firm hand of Alphonso, get her horrible time management skills under control. In the first week since they had started this the girl averaged at least three spankings a day. One in the morning, when he would pick up for school as he started to do that to help her be on time more, he had set a time for her to get in his car. However, she was still struggling to get to sleep on time, even when he would send her a text that night telling her to go to sleep. So she would wake up quickly, throw something on and hurry out of the door, where he would be waiting. Her usually apologizes would fall on deaf ears as he would pull into a nearby alley, and get into the back seat where he would give her a warming over her panties before they went to school.

Her second spanking was technically a combination for being late to third and fourth period. This one she would find the current hall monitor of this month waiting for her in the hallway leading to the classroom and take her quickly inside of a janitor space. Where she would earn 20 hard swats to her sitting spots as a way to keep her squirming during class. Her last spanking of the day would come right after school, she was usually the first one in his classroom in the older academy where she would take 40 hard swats with a stupid brush he owned before sending her on her way.

It was stupid, her bottom always hurt, and she always cried like the dickens afterwards. However, despite all of that and the embarrassment that came from it. Shaquira had to admit, it was starting to work, once she started listening to the alarms that he had set up for her to get places on time. She was slowly but surely getting better. One of her teacher's Mr. Charlies, had been stunned when she came to class on time four days in a row. One of her coaches was surprised when she showed up early for practice that day, and the next day was out of the locker room before he blew the whistle. Even Alphonso was stunned one time when she was actually waiting on the porch of her house ready for the school day. Now she averages maybe a few warning spankings every few days. And her relationship with Alphonso was quickly growing, not in a romantic way but a love that siblings shared. He cared about her and it brought her a lot of joy that he was willing to help fix her internal clock. She was growing used to the soft head rubs he gave her when she did good, his praise was second only to her daddy's. She very much loved the boy for that reason because now she had a big brother.

A brother that was about to meet her father.

Today after practice Alphonso was driving her back home and before he could pull away from her house. Shaquira was surprised to see her daddy was standing outside almost waiting for him. He was a tall man having played basketball overseas and even a few seasons in the Nba before his knee truly gave out. He had short salt and pepper hair, a strong body that came from a lot of hard work. He was wearing his usually brown pants and a dark tank top as he probably had just gotten back from work. His eyes were a bit firm as he walked over to the car. Shaquira could see her old mama, a heavy set woman with short hair wearing a cream colored dress, her skin tone matching her own while her father had a few shades darker. She was laughing a bit as she went back to her sewing.

Alphonso whispered over to her. "You didn't tell me your dad was Xavier Price!" She had never heard the boy sound so starstruck before.

"You know who my dad is?" Shaquira asked as she opened the door to the car.

She heard the boy say. "Hell yes, my granddad was a huge fan of his run in the NBA before he got hurt!"

Shaquira got out of the car and walked over to her daddy. His massive frame made her look so much smaller in comparison. His dark frown brightened up as she bounded over like a bunny and jumped into his arms giving him a hug. "Hi daddy," she greeted with a cute smile. "How was work?"

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