Season 2 6B: It's all in you head, Spankings don't hurt (Zaydee Dennis)

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"It is all a bunch of bullshit." Zaydee said as she finally hit pause on this interview that she and her best friend Ashley were watching. Like a lot of girls in Coast City High, she loved the interviews that Lola Summers could come up with. However, the recent episode that she dropped a few weeks ago had a lot of people speaking. Now she knew of Alphonso Lewis, the school setter and a kinda nice guy. He was a grade above her, herself being a friendship, and like many she was sure that the word spank was just some codeword for sex.

That was until this interview dropped with him, that cleared up a lot of misconceptions but as far as Zaydee Dennis was concerned this was just a whole lot of bullshit. "I mean come on," she replied as she watched the african american girl's reaction to being paddled. "She has to be faking it, there is no other way she is not faking it."

"I mean it looks pretty real to me." Her best friend Ashley Morgans said, her face starting to return to its cream colored face. It had been blushing pink and then red so much that Zaydee was certain it would stay that color for the rest of her life. "I mean, Lola isn't one to make up something."

"I mean come on, no one our age or younger actually thinks a spanking hurts. She is clearly playing it up for the freaking camera." Zaydee and her friend were supposed to be spending the night studying at her house, but like many of their study slumber parties. They usually became movie nights until her mom came to take the tv out of her room.

"How can you even say that when you have never felt one before." Ashley questioned. "I used to get them so I know that they can hurt pretty good."

"I mean come on, Ashley." Zaydee threw back a bit of her orange hair before sighing. "You were a kid, and it probably just scared you or something from hearing it. There is no way that they actually hurt, it is all a mental thing that parents do to make you scared and guilty."

"I disagree."

Zaydee looked over her friend and rolled her eyes a bit. "Come on, tell me how you got it and I will tell you what I think."

Ashley seemed to squirm a tiny bit in her seat. Zaydee had a slight interest in the subject of spanking. She had never been spanked before, her parents didn't believe in it for some reason. As far as Zaydee was concerned they didn't seem to hurt that much. SHe had seen other kids spanked, and she never thought that their parents weren't using that much force. It just looked like a nice pat on the butt while being scolded, and she knew from experience that being scolded was not fun. Maybe that was just a bit of a mental thing or something.

Ashley took a deep breath before quietly saying. "When my mom has to spank me, she will usually stand me in front of her and scold me a tiny bit, before asking me why I earned a punishment. Then she will pull me closer, and take down my pants or lift my skirt. Then helps me lay over her lap, she will give me a really good warm up over my underwear. Then she will bare my bottom, or when I got older she will have me do it. Afterwards she would do it on my bare bottom, and then I would stand in the corner."

Zaydee looked at her friend before raising one finger. "When you say she has to do it, you mean when she used to do it right?" Her friend's face turned scarlet as she pouted a bit at her.

"I still get it sometimes, I already told you that."

"Well from what you told me it sounds like, that combination of a scolding, having you say why you earned it, baring your butt twice. Probably did far more damage than getting the actual spanking." Zaydee said with a small smirk.

"Those are just other aspects that help me learn the lesson properly. However, anyone could do that but it's the actually spanking that works more." Ashley said. "Something that you don't really know."

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