Season 2 Episode 1-A: Plans lead to a Spanked Bottom. (Carolina)

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A certain girl with dark cream colored skin, and fairly long brown hair sat in her bedroom having just put the finishing touches on her homework. Carolina Cobb was now just sitting with her bible resting on her lap, she wanted to try and read a bit of it but she just could not focus on it. She was reading it but not learning from it, the words were just words that she could not understand. "Dang it," she said before snapping it closed, and setting it back on the spot where she kept the other two copies of her favorite book. One written in greek and hebrew, and the other the first one she had a kinda kid version that was supposed to be easier to read. She knew why she could not focus on reading that book, and there was one boy that she was blaming for all of this.

Alphonso Lewis, one of her best friends in the entire world.

She had met the boy a year ago. He had two very funny, kind and mischievous little sisters whom she often babysat for his mother. A mother who she respected and loved just like she loved her own mother. A woman that greatly cared about her as a daughter as well. A boy who she was greatly in love with, she had fallen for the boy after he had done something that probably would be a bit naughty and taboo for teens to do. He had given her a spanking one day, that was what Alphonso was famous for around the school, as some girls thought that the work spank meant sex. She stood up for the boy when that misunderstanding was thrown out. She was a part of the original four girls that Alphonso had spanked when he first started doing this at school. She was the fourth, and if she was being honest, she felt like she was the last person Alphonso would truly date or fall in love with.

She was not like Trinity, the bubble, exciting sport loving, friendly girl, with a cute little rump made from years of track and field. She was not Madison, her friend who had probably the biggest rear end and biggest heart out of the four of them. She was not a flirt like Abby, whose rear end was the firmest, and roundest, not as large as Madison but just as cute. No Carolina often found herself feeling that she was just the flattest girl in their group, both in upper and lower curves, but also in personality. She was a really flirty girl, she was the good girl of the group, only going to Alphonso when she wanted a calm spanking that could rock her to sleep, or if she felt like she had secretly sinned and needed something more than just asking for forgiveness. She was just the responsible friend that sometimes got in trouble.

A fact that was shown when she and her friends went to that Bruno Mars concert with Alphonso. All of her other friends felt so much closer to Alphonso than she did, from him and Trinity running around practically with stars in their eyes and dancing to each song that the man had sung. From Madison and him helping a mother and her kids carry their things up to their seats, and helping a handicapped teen get to his own seat. To Abby who had a few more daring dancing during one of the more twerk encouraging songs that made Carolina's face burn hotter than the sun. She felt like the odd girl out, that was until the singer had performed the song "You Can Count of Me." A song where Alphonso had held her close to him, a reminder that she could always count on him, and that he could always count on her.

That is what made it so hard, because the best, and only, way to Carolina for them to truly count on each other. Was to move this relationship from best friends, to boyfriend and girlfriend. It was a selfish wish to her that had been lightly added to her prayers every night. A prayer that she wanted to happen more than anything in the world. Okay world peace was always the first thing she wanted more than anything, but this was close second so far.

Carolina looked at herself in her large mirror, her rather flat chest and back side looking like nothing in comparison to some of her friends' features. In the looks department how could she possibly compete with them? An idea then came to her mind as she looked back at herself in the mirror, if she could not compete in one way. Why not compete in another way. She knew Alphonso enjoyed spending time with her, in more relaxing ways. So she got out her notebook and began to plan, plan everything down to a tie. The perfect way for them to spend the day with each other, do all the things they liked doing.

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