Episode 5-B: Lying gets a paddling (Belle Pt2)

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"I now bring the 10th annual teddy peace tea party to an official close." Little Belle declared with a loud clap of her hands. She sighed happily that she had finally ended the long time war that happened every single time she was a little. See, her teddy and stuffies wanted her to play more with them rather than dollies and baby dolls. In her small mind they needed to understand that she loved them all and would play with them no matter what. So now when she was a little the first thing she did was have the annual peace tea party. A fun event where she had to use a lot of tea cups and water to have them sit down and talk.

"Are you finished with your little party?" Little Belle turned towards her daddy who had been sitting at the island in the kitchen typing away on his laptop. "If so, how about we pour out the cups so we don't accidently spill anything?"

Belle frowned over at her daddy and then looked at the 15 tea cups that she didn't feel like putting away. "What if I promise to not spill anything?" She attempted to use her secret weapon, her pink eyes glimmering up at her daddy she activated her best move puppy dog eyes times 5!

It was not very effective on her daddy unfortunately. "Nice try, but come on and let's dump out all of the water." Belle crossed her arms over her chest and frowned up at her daddy. "Or I can spank your little bottom a few times and then we can clean up, that is always a good option instead." Belle quickly got up and carefully took the cups two by two to her daddy who poured them into the sink and dried out each one with a towel. Once she brought the last two she looked up at him with those bright pink eyes. "Good girl," he praised lightly as he brought his hand down to rest on her head. "Now do you want, daddy, to put your hair up now? Or are you still too scared of Mr. Hairbrush?"

Little Belle thought about it for a few moments as long as Mr. Brush wasn't gonna plan on hitting her little bottom then she would be okay with it. "Do it now," Belle ran over to her tablet and brought it back to her daddy showing him the image on the screen. "I want it done like this." A simple pair of ponytails for some but it was an adorable little style that she wanted to help feel even smaller than she did right now. She had long since gone from seven, to six and now was creeping in on her five year old self. There was something about her daddy that made her feel nice and comfy about regressing to the lowest age she was comfy with.

The dark skinned teen that was only a year younger than her big self studied the image for a moment. "Come on," he said with a smile. "I think I can pull that off." She took him by the hand and lead him into the living room. However from the state of the living room that was now covered in stuffies. "After we put all your stuffies where they belong," he added, nodding towards the circular blue container and the other one that was for all her dolls. "And your dolls please and thank you."

"But-" One firm look from her papa was enough to make little Belle kick it into high gear and quickly send all her stuffies and dollies back to their homes. She then plopped down on the soft carpet in between her daddy's legs as he began to brush her very nappy and still bedridden hair. "Why do I have to clean so much?" She both questioned and whined.

"Because if you make a mess you are gonna clean it, that is what big girls do."

"Well if that is what big girls have to do I wanna stay little forever." That got her daddy to laugh a bit; he even dropped a bit of the bass he was adding to his usually gentle voice. Belle started up her 3rd episode of Sofia the first, as she kept her little mind focused on the show rather than the soft sting that came from her daddy pulling on a nap in her hair every now and then.

Once he had finished straightening out her hair and putting it in the style she wanted. She rushed off over to a mirror in the corner and let out a cry of glee as she looked at herself. Such a simple hair style made her look even cuter. She was often very self conscious of her flatter chest, she didn't have a lot of curves she looked like a kid most days. However, today she was very much okay with that.

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