Episode 2: What do five C's plus One D equal? A very sore bottom (Melessa.)

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Meslissa Davis was considered by many to be a shy girl who was still growing used to city life. She had moved here from the sweet state of Montanna when her older brother had gotten a really good job. She wanted to come to the city as well for a different point of view, no more waking up at dawn to go and help with chores. No more stressing about not having enough time to do chores, homework and play basketball. So her momma and papa agreed to let her come to Coast City (It's a fictional city, imagine it like a smaller but just as popular version of NY) as long as she obeyed her brother and got good grades.

She was not ready for city life in any way.

It was a bit louder and more crowded. The air always smelled weird sometimes, her only peace was when she walked around in the large park on the west side of this city. It was a small piece of home that she so greatly missed. Her classmates were nice and really liked her small accent. However, the hardest part was the lessons. It was not an easy adjustment for her to go from straight A's to barely managing a C+. She couldn't tell if maybe her school was just a bit slower than this school, but things that she learned in 8th grade seemed like things her friends and classmates learned in 6th grade.

Now normally barely keeping up with grades would earn her one of two things. No more basketball until they went back to at least a B+, or even a small trip across her papa's lap. Where her plump backside would be spanked by his heavy and hard hand. However, she didn't have that here. Her brother was busy and was not a parent, her parents were thousands of miles away. It was hard to keep up and while she was barely making it to stay on the basketball team. She was at risk of losing her starting spot and even some colleges that were interested in this very talented point guard wanted her grades to go up before giving her a true scholarship.

She tried to self punish herself by not watching television and going out to explore this city with friends. Even didn't allow herself to go on the school trip to the beach in the early part of the year. She even once took a wooden spoon and tried to swat her own bottom, giving herself a scolding but her 14 year old hand could only do so much. If it was too hard she would just stop. Melessa was losing track of what to do, when she heard a rumor from a few of the older girls on the team. They were not good rumors at first, mostly about a sophomore named Alphonso who had a reputation of giving out spankings to girls in an old classroom. Most of them talked very badly on him , calling him things that would have gotten her mouth washed out with a soap back home. However one girl, Elizabeth, had put them in their place. She said that she in fact tried it once and he was not a bad person or even a pervert.

It was Melessa's need of punishment that made her seek out the boy the first time about three weeks ago. He was a good volleyball and baseball player from what she had heard, and called an old classroom on the 2nd floor his home away from home. (She was even sure that he might sleep there some nights) She had tucked her tail between her legs and knocked on the door where he came and greeted her. He was not the tallest boy in fact she was a bit taller than him, he was average sized but had strong looking arms. Probably from years of playing his favorite sports, and working out. Low cut hair that was very wavy like the ocean she liked looking at sometimes. He invited her inside and even had her favorite tea, honey ginger. She didn't know how to bring the subject up so instead they just talked for a while. He was really friendly and easy to talk to, he even dropped his city accent and spoke in a more southern accent that was music to her eyes. She was from the country and he was from the deep south, but they shared similar interests.

She did eventually ask, with a face as hot as the sun, if he truly did what he did. He didn't deny it or even dance around the subject. She had asked how this all worked, and that same day she found herself face down over the slightly shorter boy's lap. Her skirt covered backside getting the heavy swats that weren't on her father's level but they left a mark. It brought tears to her eyes but they didn't fall and he had let her up after maybe three minutes. She was surprised by that, but he had explained that it was just a sample and that if she believed her grades didn't improve it would be much worse.

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