A Contest Between The Original Four. Our First Contestant, Trinity Jackson.

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"And that is why you are here." Trinity Jackson explained to a very confused and honestly blushing friend of hers, Alphonso Lewis. She had been best friends with the boy since his family first moved to Coast City when they were in middle school. She considered herself lucky as she was the first of many girls that he had first taken over his lap when she first found out about a kink that he, and she both shared. He was a spanko just like her.

Alphonso looked around the room for a moment at the group that had gathered for this private sleepover. Trinity's parent's had left for the weekend and instead of doing what many people did and having a large party to celebrate her freedom. She decided to throw a much different party, a spanking party as she was calling it. Her living room had a collection of spanking tools ready to go, some of which Alphonso had brought as she had more or less tricked the boy into coming here. Just telling him that he wanted a hard spanking if he was free for the weekend, and lucky for her he had no plans on this friday night. The other four girls also had that same special title as she did as the first four that he had dared to punish. Abby Lincoin, Carolina Cobb and Madison Row. Their shared love for spankings and a secret love and affection for Alphonso had made them a pretty tight net group. Always the first to fix any and all misconceptions about the boy. Trinity taking a more hands on approach to this as she had fought a few loud mouth brats that had tried to ruin her friend/

"So let me understand this as best as I can." Alphonso said. "You four want me to spank each of you like it is a punishment and every minute or so, I am to stop while you spin that thing." Alphonso pointed towards a wheel that Carolina had made that had six different spanking items on it. "And then used what was spun on that wheel."

"Yes," the four of them declared in unison.

"Fucking why?" The boy then groaned as Carolina giggled and held her hand out. The boy went into his wallet and produced a dollar bill for her.

"Thank you very much," Carolina yelped as the boy reached behind her and gave her a firm slap on the backside. "Say it for the contest." She replied as she stuck out her tongue. "And to answer your question, we think it is gonna be fun and the winner gets a special prize."

"You girls are insane... however you four do know I am not a fan of punishment spankings right?"

"Than don't do them, just make them hard." Trinity looked over at the biggest of these four girls, not in weight but in her female features. Abby Lincoin had an impressive bust and her large backside was one that made anyone jealous. "Give us the hard spankings that you like but not enough to make them punishment if that is helpful." She rolled her dark green eyes making the two large puff balls of green on her head roll with them.

"And all of you are okay with that?" Trinity noticed that Alphonso's eyes journeyed towards the fair skinned Madison row. Her deep pink hair and cheerful smile making her truly adorable.

"Yep," Madison said as she seemed to look around at the other girls for a moment and a slight hunger filled her eyes as she did. "We are all okay with this and there is an important prize on the line."

The four girls all had made a deal in this little contest there since all four girls very much had a crush for Alphonso. The winner of this would have the right to take the boy to a concert for his favorite band, what happened afterwards would either be the best day or one of them or things would go back to being normal. "Should I be concerned with what prize this is?"

"Don't worry about it," Trinity declared with a smile. "Anyway, we need to decide who is gonna be first, and since I was the first one of all of us to get spanked by Alphonso. I should go last." That got a series of groans to escape from everyone else. See Trinity was no fool, none of them were, the best bet at winning this little competition was to go last, when he was a bit more tired than he was gonna be right at the start.

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