Episode 6-B: A Punishment for my Past Sins (Jenny)

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Jenny Ambrose was a lot of things. A cheerful delight for all of her friends, a sweet and caring person to her favorite person in the entire world, her twin sister Julie. She didn't get the best grades but was good enough, she was an athlete both in softball and tennis in spring, and soccer and volleyball for the fall. She had a lot of friends and was what most would consider to be popular.

However, there was a dark side of her that many people did not know and those that did no one believe them anyway.

Jenny had never really had a boyfriend before, the ones that did ask her out she would politely decline since they weren't her type. And it seemed that all the boys that were her type often had girlfriends or maybe weren't looking at her. Her bubbly personality might have driven them away or made them want someone a bit more mature. To her she had nice curves in the back that a boy would love but she didn't have that same blessing in the front. So how do you get someone that doesn't really want you, or has someone else?

To Jenny you use that popularity and that kind silver tongue of yours to spread a few rumors here and there. That maybe one was cheating on the other, or perhaps she and the boy she truly wanted were dating and just hadn't come out yet. This small trick of her's usually worked to do one of two things, either if they were in a relationship they would break up and she would be there to try and pick up the pieces.

Or that boy would confront her and she would try to convince them that maybe they should get together to make the rumor look true and then break up afterwards? Then maybe, just maybe that would be enough for that person to look at her and become her boyfriend for real. It never really worked but just the idea of it working was enough for Jenny. She had done this seven times in total starting way back in 5th grade. Her sister Julie knew about this trick and often tried to get her to stop but what did her sister know about getting boys? No reason to take her advice right?

Her new victim was a boy that loved her behind as much as she did. Alphonso Lewis, he was a sophomore like her but a year older as he had recently turned 16 while she and her twin had another 5 months before that happened. Alphonso had a reputation that many knew, some didn't understand and a few dozen had experienced. He was a spanko or he liked giving spankings out, and she was a girl that wanted to have one more than anything. His first spanking that he gave her felt like magic, he said that she had a cute behind, he was sweet and kind.

He was perfect for her.

And she wanted him very much to focus only on her.

So she worked her usual magic and began to spread those rumors once more. Telling a few more mouthy girls that they were dating and that he was gonna stop spanking other girls now. Without anyone else coming to see him, she would swoop in and be his one and only, and than she would show more of her great girlfriend qualities. She knew how to sew, she could cook, she didn't clean that well but she was sure she could learn. Most importantly she had a nice caboose and no matter what he would like that at the very least!

However, her plan backfired, two weeks of letting that rumor spread were over and done in a flash when a girl with long brown hair and a cream colored dress came to her one day. "Alphonso wants to speak to you."

She was so happy about that, maybe her plan had worked better than she thought, she practically skipped to the classroom he often used after school. He was waiting for her in that room, his hands folded but one look in his eyes told her the whole story. That girl Carolina had told him what she had heard and it came back to her as the one that started this rumor and he was not a very happy camper.

He was so mad that even when she suggested a spanking for her actions and even gave him a newly bought paddle that was originally supposed to be a gift to him once her plan was finished. He just asked her to come back tomorrow because he was too upset to even do that, and that asked her to leave.

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