Episode 10-A: I Am Beautiful (Hannah)

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Hannah Windchaser nervously made her way down the old hallways of the former academy. The 16 year old girl was on her way to see a certain boy, whose reputation was interesting to say the least. One the court Alphonso Lewis was considered the best setter in the city although he never would admit that himself. Off the court he was known for two things, his kind and gentle nature, but also his more interested in what some saw as a punishment for young children, or a much more pleasurable and relaxing actions for partners and adults.

For Hannah she was here for a mix of the two for today.

For the soon to be 17 year old sophomore. She had a reputation of her own that many of the boys in her grade and a few older boys knew. She was easy to get into bed with and easy to forget afterwards.

Hannah for the longest time didn't like how her body looked. Ever since she was around ten years old and had to deal with the constant teasing of her peers. She was a bit more of the chubby side of the spectrum, wide hips with a waist that barely curved in. She had been born an early developer with a large chest. She had her first experience in the bedroom when she was 14 years old, a boy from a party, a game of seven minutes in heaven and it was the first time that someone seemed to like her more firm body. So she kept chasing after the feeling of approval despite the risk that came from it, all it took was one broken condom or one misstep and she might end up pregnant. She was called a slut by some girls in her class and an easy thing for boys wanting to lose their virginity.

And she was starting to hate that is what people knew her for instead of her love for music and animals. Her small group of friends had her back but when she was alone she went back to small habits. It was the only time she didn't deal with the teasing of the cruel kids in her grade.

All of it came to a head when she went to a party for seniors, one that had been filled with alcohol and she was sure that one girl had snuck in a certain white powder. Her plan was to just be the girl people knew her for and while she was a bit drunk, a brave girl with dark cream colored skin had walked into the bedroom she was in. Her voice cracked like fire as she yelled at the senior boy. "You have till the count of fucking ten to get away from her or I am calling the police!" Carolina Cobb, the kind little Christian girl that would never even hurt a fly came in the wrath of God and his protection as well.

She dragged her out of the house and into her car where she drove her home and Hannah broke down in the passenger seat. SHe spent the night at the girl's house where she had a very long conversation with a girl that had never really been her friend up until that fateful day. It was on that day that Carolina had told her that she needed someone to talk to, and someone that would be willing to punish her for her actions. Her own mother was far too busy and she didn't really talk to her dad, his playful comments on her weight doing more harm than good. So she listened to Carolina talk about the boy known as Alphonso. How he was good to talk to and he had a firm hand, and even said she had experienced that firm hand more times than she could count on two hands.

She spent all weekend thinking about this.

Would going to get her fat butt spanked really solve her issues, or would they only make things far more worse. Do not get her wrong she loved a good spanking every now and then. It went quite well when she was having sex, but no one seemed to do it right. She eventually made the choice that even if she just talked to the boy for a bit that maybe things would get better.

As she reached room 205 she could see the dark skinned boy in question leaning out of the door and waving towards an energetic looking girl with a similar skin color. She recognized her as Shaquira, a chatting young lady that was often late to their 4th period class. She was getting better in recent weeks, and judging from how she was rubbing her white pants covered backside. Hannah probably knew the reason why. As she stepped forward now feeling the butterflies in her stomach starting to flutter about. She took in the full size of Alphonso Lewis, a round and warm face that held a smile. He was average sized but it was his hands and arms that looked very strong, probably from playing basketball and volleyball most of his life. As the wood of this floor creaked just a few feet from him, he turned around and pointed a finger towards him. "Hannah Windchaser right?"

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