Episode 4 Pt 1: An Abuse of Our Trick (Julie)

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Julie Ambrose walked the old wooden floors of the older part of the academy. Her deep emerald eyes filled with a mix of guilt as she stepped closer, and closer to her destination. The large studio headphones on her ears playing no music from her hundreds of different playlists. She was in no mood to play music right now.

Julie was on her way to do something she never imagined she would do in her 16 years of life. She was gonna ask someone to give her a spanking, a punishment she had not experienced since she was 10 years old. She remembered how happy she and her twin sister Jenny had been when it was announced that they were too old to be spanked anymore. She was not sure what article her mother had read to make that decision, but hey, she would not argue with that. However, here she was six years later ready to ask for one, cause she felt horrible right now. Or rather she had felt this way for the last five days.

Julie always was a bit jealous of her twin sister. She loved her very much but it was hard not to be jealous of one of the most popular girls in the entire school. They looked very much the same but Julie was often the quieter one. She had a few friends but rarely opened the door to let new ones in. Jenny was wildly more athletic, popular, and prettier than her. Often keeping her orange hair in good shape, while Julie often kept her hair good enough to go out. Ignoring the naps and twists that came from not brushing it. Her sister was more into makeup while Julie sometimes struggled to find the right shades for her own skin. People often got them mixed up and she didn't fault them for that but it was very disheartening when they would eventually realize that she was not her sister and would just leave her alone. It was hard to make new friends sometimes and it was harder to watch how many friends her sister could make with just one bright smile.

It was that that made her make a very bad mistake.

See the twins were known for a little trick that only they could really pull off. The good old switch a row, it had gotten them through a few moments in their life. More times than not it was Jenny taking Julie's place if she was too shy to turn people down or say no. Jenny once switched places with Julie during the school yearly fitness exams, doing just good enough for her to get a B for the entire exam. Julie would sometimes switch places with her sister if she had not studied for a test and would do it for her.

It was a sacred event between the two of them. One that Julie felt she had broken and used for evil.

As she had used this trick to tell a certain boy that both of them were chasing after that Jenny was not interested in him. She hadn't meant to do it. They both had fallen in love with a member of the basketball team, Hezekiah Rambo. He liked them both equally but Julie really wanted him more than anything. Her sister could get anyone at any time if she wanted, why couldn't she let her have this one thing?!

So Julie had a plan in place, she dressed just like her sister that day and pulled Hezekiah to the side. She had an entire lie ready to go and right as she was gonna finish telling him how much her "sister" loved him and that they should be together instead. Jenny had come into the classroom, and the look on her face was one of surprise and then the look of hurt that appeared on her face.

Broke Julie's heart into a hundred thousand pieces.

That happened five days ago, and it was the longest they had gone without speaking to each other in their entire life. Jenny was hurt by these actions, Julie tried to explain and apologize but even she knew they were just excuses. Her sister refused to talk to her, and what really broke Julie was when her sister said only a few words to her before slamming the door in her face. "Are you sorry for what you did or because you got caught?"

And Julie hated how she was more sorry she had gotten caught rather than for her actions.

It was that guilt that had her seek out a not so secret fact about a certain boy here in Coast City. Alphonso, or what many people knew him as, the spanker of girls. She had a few classes with the boy, he was the starting setter for the volleyball team, and a good catcher for the baseball team. He seemed pretty normal, average built, dark brown skin, wavy low cut hair, he often wore clothes that he had gotten at the goodwill. Not because he couldn't afford good clothes but he said you could find some really good things there. He was a happy guy and if it wasn't for most people knowing about his not so hidden hobby. He would probably be much more popular, but Julie often thought that he didn't really like being popular.

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