Episode 9-A: Whoop My Ass To Help Me Stop Vaping

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Amara Warren took a large inhale of her large vape pen and a sweet bubblegum flavored smoke filled her mouth, any that escaped before she was ready to let it out she sucked back into her nose. It was fitting that this was her favorite flavor as her hair matched the same color as this flavor. She brought her dark hand to rest on her cheek. She let out the breath she had sucked in, sending a cloud of smoke into the air blocking her vision just for a moment. She was sitting in the top row of the large beachers of gym 1. This was the largest of the three gyms on this large academy, a bit of risk to vape on school grounds but no one ever looked up here.

That or everyone was so used to her vaping regardless of what any teacher said, most just didn't bother giving her a warning anymore. If she ruined her lungs by the time she was 29 then so be it. She had 14 years till that point if or when it did happen. However, it was the words of her little sister that gotten to the prideful Amara. "I don't want you to die early." Her sister had seen one of those commercials on the dangers of vaping. It had scared her so much that she snitched to their momma about the subject and her momma had taken every single one of her vapes at home. THeir family had a long standing history of lung cancer, her mother being a survivor and it was why she had banned any and all smoking just to be on the safe side. Amara was already at risk of getting that much earlier as she had been doing this for a very long time. Since she was ten in fact, someone brought one to school and she had done whatever she could to chase after that blissful feeling that happened the first time.

Her last doctor even confirmed that she had a bit of issues with her lungs that were not there before.

Amara lifted her vape to her lips once and took another hit. She closed her eyes and let out another breath waving the smoke away from her vision as she kept her eyes on a certain boy. That might have a more stingy way to help her at least begin the steps of stopping this. The door to the top sections of the bleachers opened up and she tilted her head up just a bit as one of her friends. Trinity stepped through the door. Her dark brown hair a bit shorter in length, she had the lean body type of a sprinter fighting her nickname as the cheetah of coast city. Much different from her more thick waist and larger hips. She also had a bit more in her bosom than her friend. "Took your ass long enough," she greeted with a small smile. Leaning back deeper into the hard wood of the stands, she was nearly on the edge of that slight high that came from her vaping.

However she would have to chase it some other time as she didn't like being in that state when she was trying to talk to people. Trinity took a seat in the beachers, she smelled of honey and sweat. "You asked me to meet you right after my practice, I haven't even had a chance to shower yet."

"You do stink." Amara giggled as her friend slapped her on the arm. Her long sleeved pink shirt did little to protect her from that attack. "I'm just messing with you." Amara sat up a bit more and rested her elbows on her knees. She had been watching the last bits of the boys volleyball team practice, they were playing a set against each other and it sounded like a cannon went off as a certain dark skinned boy just served the ball. He had two nicknames, on the court he was called the king of the coast. The famous setter that had made waves in the high school scene since he showed up, the second name that Alphonso Lewis had was one that was slowly gaining more attraction. The Spanking King.

He moved with ease to his spot, the ball coming back quicker as the opposite team could not correctly receive his serve. He leapt up and such a soft setup was sent to the ace of the boy's team who slammed his hand into the ball so hard that she was surprised the ball didn't explode on impact. Her friend followed her gaze before asking. "You wanted to talk me about, Alphonso?"


"About what?"

"You know more about him than anyone else." She coughed a bit into her hand something that was becoming more normal with the more she smoked. "I could ask someone else but I feel like some of these girls are afraid to admit they have gone to see him." Amara looked over at her friend with a curious note starting to fill her eyes. "So I wanted to ask the girl that started all of this shit. Do you think that he could help me not vape anymore?"

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