Episode 5-A: Would you be my daddy for One day? (Belle)

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If someone had to describe little Belle Lee, it would be just that little. Belle was born smaller than most girls her age. It was an odd ball as she came from a family of very tall people, and it didn't help that that family of her's almost seemed to forget she existed sometimes. Now it wasn't that her parents and brothers did not love her more than the sun and moon, and would travel around each one ten times to save her. But considering that her brothers were stars of the football and basketball team, and her family very much loved sports. It was not uncommon for them to forget about her their oldest daughter. It was a sad fact that no one would really understand from her usually joyful and happy face. She was good at putting up a mask of fake joy and happiness, it helped that everyone saw her as an adorable little kid most of the time. It was hard to believe that she was a junior and the oldest of her siblings at 1.

Being the oldest and smallest of her family was hard.

And it led her to looking into different ways to to feel like a kid again.

And the way she did this was when she discovered little space.

She had no idea what it was until her friend diagnosed her a little about three years ago. Once her friend had explained what being a little was, Belle agreed with her statement. She had started to get more into being a little once her brothers started playing more sports and her parents didn't pay as much attention to their oldest daughter anymore. In that time, she would lock her door to her room and completely change her clothes into something not suited for a 17 year old. Gone were the tight jeans and more grown up clothes she often wore around campus. Instead she chose more soft and relaxing pajamas, gone were the more lacy style panties she had brought to remind some of the girls in the locker room that she was very much an older student, and instead she had more colorful and little girl style underwear. (That she kept in a box buried in her already messy closet, if ever found she would just example they were from when she was a little girl) Out came the stuffies that she still had from when she was a little girl, on came the cartoons that were on Disney Plus and Netflix.

Her top three being.


Sofia the first,

And Doc Mcstuffins.

It was her little hobby that no one else was supposed to know about, she only told her friend a few times and even had her look after her for a few afternoons as a caregiver. However, there was one aspect that her friend could never really bring herself to do, see any toddler pushed their mommy's and daddy's buttons often. And more times than not they would be punished, sometimes with timeouts but what Belle had been wanting longer than anything. Was a nice hard spanking to truly make her feel little.

Her friend, Nina was too kindhearted to do that to her. Even her own parents never spanked her growing up, but her brothers often got it. It wasn't that she was jealous of them for getting a more physical punishment, she just never understood why her parents didn't do it with her. So Belle was left with a problem, she wanted to be a little but she wanted to be spanked sometimes as a little, she wanted what she read in an online story once of having her bottom spanked three times a day. Once in the morning when she woke up, one punishment spanking for when she was naughty, and one last one at bedtime. It was a story she had saved in her bookmarks as it was one of her favorite spicy stories.

Her dream seemed to be more true as during her sophomore year, he had arrived. A boy that was famous not for being the star setter of the volleyball team, or a catcher that was already being offered a few scholarships. No, Alphonso was famous for a rumor that he didn't hide or shy away from, he was known for being a spanker and he did far more often than one would think. Girls that were interested in that subject went to him during lunch sometimes but mostly after school. She had gone to him, once she was sure he was not some secret pervert or that spank wasn't just a code word for sex.

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