Season 2 Episode 2B: Pushing his Bottoms To be Spanked in Public (Madison)

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Madison Row was considered many things by many people. A kind hearted soul, a joyful spirit, a curious kitten, the pride and joy of the sophomore. A helpful angel, that and so many more nicknames that Madison held near and dear to her heart. However, to one boy whom she also held near and dear to her heart, she was a friend that shared a similar interest to him. A love and joy for a certain word that starts with an S and ends in G. A punishment for some, a pleasurable experience for many. Some called it a smacking, or a whoopin, a tanning or a hiding, whatever the word was. She and Alphonso loved a certain thing called spanking. She had met the boy by complete accident, and she had sat with him for an hour while he cried.

That right, she had found Alphonso in tears nearly broken because of what some girls had put him through. She didn't know the whole story, just that some girls had called him a lot of bad things. A pervert, a sex addict, that he took advantage of girls that didn't know what his true intentions were. He just wanted to give spankings to girls that wanted them, nothing more and nothing less. However, high school was cruel, and kids crueler. After she had calmed him down she had come out to him with her own curiosity in the subject. It was a punishment that she had never really gotten as a girl, and with two older sisters she was curious about that action. How could something that some saw as painful be a pleasurable event. She had asked him if he was willing to spank her right there and then in the empty halls of the old school building. It was there that she truly discovered her love for the subject, and it was not uncommon for her to get the punishment from the boy at any time. From janitor closets, to just a firm pat in passing, to times spent at his home when they studied math together, to her favorite trips to this classroom of his.

Wherever, and whenever she could get one, she would want one. No one else had been able to give her what she wanted, trust her, she tried. However, her heart belonged to Alphonso, and there were currently three obstacles in her way. (As far as she knew) ANd it sucked cause the three girls after his heart, she loved all three of them like sisters. However, recently Carolina had sent out a text, or rather a call for war. Some new girl had her heart set on Alphonso, and she would support all of her friends' efforts. That didn't mean she was not gonna try her best to get what she wanted as well. The right to be his girlfriend, cause they all knew that if Alphonso got a girlfriend, he would stop spanking so many girls that came to him. His attention would be on her and her alone, and while she knew that she could find another boyfriend. Her momma always said there were plenty of fish in the sea. Yet she doubted any fish could spank her behind like that kind boy could.

So she had a plan to remind the boy of how much he liked swatting her greatest assist. Her rather large and chubby backside, one very soft to the touch. Like swatting a marshmallow, a bottom that held all of her pleasure spots. Her plan was very simple, on Thursday nights after school, and the hour Alphonso spent waiting if someone wanted to try, get or needed a spanking. They would do a bit of studying in that classroom together, they would then go out and have fun just the two of them. From looking at comics at the mall, to walking in the cold weather together, to sometimes hitting up the gym for a work out. It really depended on what they wanted to go to let out some steam, but it never ended without her having a warm bottom.

So today she would let a small side of herself out that she knew Alphonso both loved, and hated. Her more bratty side, like a small kitten wanting to play, or a kid wanting to go outside and have fun. It was that side that she often suppressed after all she really liked being a good girl, after all her momma had put it into her that good girls do good things. And she really liked doing good things.

However, if the punishment for poking the bear was a good spanking. She would keep poking until her fingers would break.

So she waited quietly just outside of the room. She had gotten here a bit early, and judging from the sniffling and soft words coming from the inside, whatever spanking he had given was not delicate and soft. A few minutes passed before the door squeaked open, a rather small freshmen looking girl came out. One hand was rubbing her eye, and the other was rubbing her skirt clad backside. It was one of the skirts that Alphonso had taken from the drama club. Some girls made the mistake of wearing jeans before coming to see him for a harder spanking, and she knew the struggle of trying to wear jeans on a sore rump. Madison gave the girl a small wave, one that she returned back an embarrassed blush. "Don't worry," Madison said softly. "I won't tell a soul," she replied, putting a finger over her lips. She reached into her bookpage and gave the girl a small bottle lotion. "And when you get home use that, it is gonna take the sting away in a jiffy."

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