Episode 8-B: How We First Meet (Brittney Levi)

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A loud thunderous slap sounded off in the cafeteria bringing all talking to a quick end as the captain of the girl's volleyball team, Brittney "The Genies" Levi had just slapped the up and coming star of the boy's volleyball team, Alphonso Lewis. His head snapped to the right and he looked stunned as his dark brown eyes came up to gaze upon his attacker. "What is your fuckin problem huh?" Her Scottish accent was on full volume as she lowered her stinging hand.

"What the fuck was that!" Brittney heard a chair screech backwards as another african american girl rose to her feet. She was a bit smaller than the recently turned 17 year old but she made up for it in stronger looking arms. "Why the fuck did you slap him?" Her long black braids swung around as put herself in between the boy and Brittney.

"I slapped your pervert friend cause someone else had to do it." Brittney set her dark blue eyes back on the boy who was rubbing his cheek but now was holding head down. In her mind it was clear sign that he had done what she had heard from a little birdy in the freshman class. "I have heard what he has been doing around the school, everyone has heard what he has been trying to do. Getting you stupid ass freshmen to come to an old classroom just to have sex with him."

"What the fuck are you talking about!" His friend snapped as took two steps forward to stare daggers at the older girl. "He hasn't done a damn thing like that, who told you that bullshit!"

"It doesn't matter," Brittney she pointed a finger at Alphonso who so far had not moved a muscle yet. "I heard about these little spankings he has been trying to give, I heard that-"

"Well you heard fucking wrong." Brittney winced as the girl slapped her hand away and began to quickly take off the earrings she was wearing. "And since you wanna slap people, come and slap me, I'll whoop your scottish ass right now!"

"Why are you defending him?!" Now the Scottish girl was no stranger to throwing down with anyone but she was not gonna fight a freshman girl who clearly had not heard about her friends' extra activities. "Aren't you gonna say anything before your friend gets her butt kicked for something you did."

"Bitch you can fucking-"

"Stop it!" Both girls turned to look at Alphonso and something was off. Now Brittney was good at reading people, she had to be that good as a volleyball player. To read how the players reacted and how her own players reacted on the court. However right now, she did not see that guilt or shame that came from when she confronted certain boys on campus. All she saw was a scared and honestly very small looking freshman boy. A boy who probably couldn't lie to save his life. "J-Just stop, Trinity, please..."

The boy stood up to his feet, his shoulders slumped and his head held a bit down. "Alphonso," the girl she now knew as Trinity, turned her gaze towards the boy. That rage and fire in those dark eyes of hers turned softer. "Alphonso please don't-"

"Leave me alone please," he said, gathering his backpack to go and leave the room. He stopped as he turned to his friend. "I've made my choice, what I started was a mistake, I know that now." The boy looked over at Brittany, that sadden look in his eyes making her feel guiltier than she ever wanted. "I'm sorry if what rumors you heard made you think I am a monster, but I never did whatever you think I have been doing."

"Alphonso, wait!" Trinity called out but it was too late as Alphonso quickly left the cafeteria out of the backdoor leaving everyone in the room a bit shell shocked. "Fucking move!" Brittney was pushed nearly off her feet as this freshman knocked into her and went running after the boy. Brittney quickly followed after them trying to figure out why things felt so off. She had done the right thing right? Confronted a pervert right? However, why did that look in his eyes tell her that she might have gotten the wrong information. As she followed after the darker skinned girl, she spun on her heels and shot a violent look towards Britteny. One that could probably make the devil tremble in his flaming boots. "What the fuck do you want now?! To make him feel even worse?!"

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