Episode 12-B: The Little Space Adventures of Belle and Misty.

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In the heart of a large white and black home in one of the only gated communities in Coast City. Two littles were starting to wake up from their slumber. Those two littles in questions went by Belle and Misty. Well rather one little was starting to wake up, a bit of a pout on her face as she dragged her small teddy out of her bedroom and stuck her small tongue at the sleeping form of her sister, who moments ago had told her very loudly. "Leave me alone, and let me sleep!" It took every ounce of strength in her small body not to slap her sissy for being so mean this early in the morning. It wasn't every day they got to play together and she wanted to spend all day doing it.

Belle made her way out to the living room where the rest of their toys would be waiting. Carefully descending the mountain like stairs one step at a time to make sure she did not fall. As she arrived at the bottom of the steps, she turned her head as she heard a loud yawn. Making his way out of the first floor bathroom, was her large daddy that went by the name of Alphonso. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and had on a white tank top that made him look much bigger than he was. He stretched his arms over her head before adjusting the durag on his head a bit more. His dark eyes lit up a bit as he looked down at his youngest and smallest little for the day. He walked over to her before kneeling down in front of her in a kind way. "Morning, little one."

Belle smiled up at him before throwing her arms around her neck and hugging him close. "Morning, dada." She greeted cutely hoping that maybe if she was super duper cute that her daddy would get about her usual morning spanking. As a more naughty little she always needed one in the morning to, hopefully, remind her to behave.

She giggled as he lifted her up into her arms getting her settled on his lean forearm. She wrapped her arms around his neck just in case. "Did you sleep well?" She cutely nodded her head nuzzling her cheek against his for a moment. "I hope you aren't trying to be extra cute to get out of your morning spanking little one."

Belle looked at her daddy in surprise and judging from the small look that was in his eyes. She knew that he had seen through her small act probably within seconds. As he carried her into the living that currently had two large boxes one with dolls and one with all of her stuffies. The sight of her naughty paddle laying on the small coffee table sent waves of worry running down her spine. She knew that her daddy was gonna be a bit more firm with her morning spanking than usual since she had been caught speeding twice in one week. The first one having been just 8 miles over the limit, the other... she might have been going a bit too fast (about 25 miles). Her daddy sat down on the couch and had Belle stand in front of him, his larger hands holding her gently but hard enough to know that she could not pull away and run. Part of her was a bit upset with big Belle for daring to tell their daddy what had happened. Cause it was gonna be little Belle's backside that was gonna pay the price.

"Alright little one," her daddy began firmly but not unkindly. "Why is daddy about to spank you this morning, and not just for a reminder spanking."

Belle kicked her small socked feet a bit on the carpet as she tried to avoid his eyes. "Because, I might have been going a bit too fast on my bike." (Bike was gonna be the term for car for them)

"And why is that very naughty and dangerous?"

"Because I could hit someone and hurt them and myself."

Her daddy gave a slow nod of her head. "Now are you gonna be a big girl today and take down her pajama pants for me?" Belle took a firm hold of the waistband of her dark yellow pajama shorts. "I guess not." He remarked as he waited for her to remove her hands. "The sooner we get this over with the sooner we will be done."

Belle slowly took her hands on her waistband of her pajama shorts and her daddy's hand replaced them. "Can I at least not get the paddle?" She pleaded as her dark purple panties with a small image of Doc Mcstuffin were now showing.

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