Season 2 Episode 3B: An Interview with A Spanker Part 1 (Lola Greene.)

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"Okay hang on one second," a brown skinned african american girl whispered. As she adjusted the final settings on her camera, "and try to smile okay, it makes for perfect first impressions with viewers."

"Why did I agree to this nonsense?" Lola Greene smirked over at the boy whom she had been wanting to interview for a fairly long time. Alphonso Lewis, adjusted the collar of his polo shirt a bit. He looked a bit uncomfortable right now but a small smile began to form on his lips.

"Because it is time we give people the right impression of you, and my blog is the best way to do so." Lola Greene was one of the best young reporters in the entire world! If she did say so herself. Her columns in the school paper were some of the best and she held all of the gossip across the school. Her blog on other events and issues of the other schools in their city was also fairly popular. She even was able to convince one of the heads of the city's paper to let her shadow them for the entire summer. So that was something to look forward to. However, there was a story in her school that she wanted to have all the details on. Of how the school's famed setter started his journey into spanking, what made him want to start, who was his first? And how has life been since he started this.

SHe had been asking him to do this for her blog since freshman year, and now that they were sophomores she started asking once more. Alphonso wasn't the biggest fan of fame and fortune, and often turned her down. Until after asking him multiple times that day, practically begging him at this point, he got a bit cross with her and had said. "How about this, if you agree to take a spanking with all the implements I have in my collection then I will do it." Now she knew that he was joking when he said that... however much to his surprise her answer was simple.

"Deal!" Lola was 16 years old, and had also been curious about the punishment as well. Her blog had a very interesting series that she called the neighborhood spankers. Where she interviewed mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandmas and grandmas, on the subject, and even got to see a few of them. That series was the second most popular piece on her blog, and she had a feeling this was gonna be the best one. She even got him to agree to do a video interview, one that she would personally edit herself. The boy had about ten items in his collection that he was gonna use. His hand, an old wooden brush, a wood spoon, a wooden paddle, a few switches, (which she took great pride in cutting herself), a tear jerker paddle, a slap stick, a texas sting tawse, and his newest toy, a glove that had a leather pad on it. (He recently bought it) She would take a spanking from each one, nothing to bad but just to see how well he did it, and than she would ask a question.

She had nine questions, to ask, and she was gonna use each one to try and understand. Just what was the tale behind their schools' famed spanker.

"Stop whining and smile a bit more, something less forced and like you would if you were with a friend." The boy sighed before taking a breath, and now she had the smile that she liked seeing on him. She hit a button on her camera before rushing over, and sitting down in the chair in front of him. He was on one side of the table, and she was gonna be on the other, his items for spankings lined up in a neat row in front of them. She counted off to five in her head before facing the camera. Her more professional voice came out, as she said. "Good morning, afternoon, or evening to you all, my name is Lola Greene, and I am truly blessed to have gotten the interview with the one person in our school who has made such a buzz in the last few years." She held a hand out to Alphonso. "Alphonso Lewis the 3rd, our schools best setter, winner of the rookie of year of volleyball, as well as a member of last year's rising stars team from around the county. As well as our schools' hidden disciplinarian and best friend to many."

Alphonso lifted his hand up in a small wave. "It is nice to be here, and I am glad that we can do this." He sounded nervous, it was clear in his voice. However, she was also helping one more thing that would happen from this. To put an end to any misunderstanding other girls might have about this boy. He was not what some tried to say he was.

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